Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

(IX-B4, 2012 
z accuracy offered 
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/n in Figs. 1 and 2. 
. Fig. 2 depicts the 
| scanners). 
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a single scanner, 
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OFILER 9000 was 
reviously prepared 
during installation 
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those parameters, It 
; between sections, 
system (System Hs 
ely VMX-250. 
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a set of two Riegl 
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can be determined 
project needs. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 4. System II based on a Riegl solution (VMX 250). 
The whole system was put on a truck and, together with the 
flatcar, participated in the measurement. 
3.1 Selection of the Route 
For the performance of tests measurement, 3 railway track 
sections on the Warsaw-Cracow route were selected, each 10 
km long, with different land features and elements so that to 
take into account the following: 
- selected clearance infrastructure elements, such as bridges, 
viaducts, various type semaphores, traction poles, platforms, 
platform umbrella roofs, and a tunnel, 
- a relatively diversified track geometry, including circular arcs 
and transition curves, 
- à previously set geodetic control network with already 
monumented points. The latter was of a high significance since 
it considerably reduced project preparation time and costs. 
A reference field geodetic measurement was performed to 
verify the accuracy of selected methods. 
On the basis of measured geodetic control network, a 
measurement was conducted, which included the performing of 
Profiles perpendicular to the rail direction and a tachymetric 
measurement of selected clearance infrastructure elements. Fig. 
5 shows an example of track reference measurement with the 
use of the most recent LaserTEC device by GRAW. 
Figure 5. Track reference measurement with the use of the most 
recent LaserTEC device by GRAW 
3.2 Examination of Acquired Data Quality 
Following the data recording by means of the measuring flatcar 
(System I and II) and geo-referential measurements, has been 
proceeded with the examination of geometrical quality of 
acquired data. 
In the first turn, conformity of the cloud of points obtained with 
the use of System II was examined based on control points. In 
the course of the measuring flatcar's travel, there were posts put 
along the track and their coordinates measured by GPS 
technique (precisely the post starting points). 16 control points 
were set along the travel route. 
Next there were accuracy measurements on particular sections 
performed on the basis of selected sections, which were 
measured geodetically and with the use of a precision rail gauge 
(LaserTEC), with a millimetre accuracy. 
Comparisons were made with reference to about 30 sections 
(involving geodetic measurements and in-house works in 
relation to the cloud of points — see example, Fig. 6). Deviations 
were measured in the section plane perpendicular to the track 
axis. The width of the section was selected depending on 
processed elements and ranged from 0.10 to 1.00 m. 
First measurements were performed on the System II cloud of 
points. Clearance was measured in 10 sections on the route near 
the village of Podlesna Wola, and in 21 sections in the vicinity 
of Slomniki station. 14 measurements were performed towards 
track 2 axis, while 17 measurements were performed towards 
track | axis. Deviations were measured in the section plane 
under '2000' geodetic coordinate system, while vectors from the 
cloud of points to reference points from geodetic measurements. 
Deviations were within the acceptable limit assumed to 
be 2 cm. 
Additionally, a measurement was performed near the railway 
station, of 32 points on the track and the already referenced 16 
posts placed before the travel of the scanner. Measurement of 
deviations of posts and points was performed only for 
System II. 
In addition to examining the geometric quality of the cloud of 
points, also the quality of data was examined as regards their 
preparation for further processing. 
Within the framework of the task, an attempt at an automatic 
classification of the whole of the cloud of points was made, and 
additionally selected elements were classified manually in those 
track sectors where geodetic measurements had been made, i.e. 
in the tunnel, before the tunnel, and at the railway station. 
With reference to selected places, a comparison of sections 
obtained by means of both Systems was performed. Exemplary 
comparison results are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. 
Figure 6. Cross section through the railway station at Slomniki, 
obtained with System II 

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