Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

It is worth noting that systems of decidedly different reference 
bases were tested. One system referred measurements only to 
the track, while the other located them within a global system. 
Both solutions have their flaws and advantages. Measurements 
referred to tracks are less complicated, do not require 
GNSS/IMU modules and yield higher clearance measurement 
accuracy rates. Global measurements enable not only clearance 
measurements but also examinations of some of track geometry 
parameters (straight line sections, transition curves, circular 
arcs, superelevations). The access to an absolute orientation is 
at the expense of a slightly lower accuracy, which places itself 
close to the acceptable limit, or exceeds it a little. 
Figure 7. Clearance with measured railway infrastructure 
elements obtained from rail gauge measurements, 
at the background of the cloud of points from the 
Z+F Profiler 9000 system 
Figure 8. Clearance with measured railway infrastructure 
elements obtained from rail gauge measurements, 
at the background of the cloud of points originating 
from the Riegl VMX - 250 system 
4.1 Conclusions from Field Measurements 
Following the data analysis and examination of their quality, a 
summary was prepared aiming at the indication of flaws and 
advantages of particular systems. It was concluded that the best 
solution would be a hybrid model, which combines both 
solutions. In fact, System II could not cope well with recording 
small elements, which means there were gaps in data covering, 
e.g. roadside indicators. Here it seems to be appropriate to 
reinforce the cloud of points with a third scanner, set 
perpendicularly to the travelling direction. 
In System I there was a quite high level of data noise. Without 
support from the cloud of points from System I it was often 
difficult to unambiguously identify objects. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
As regards image recording and arrangement of cameras, after 
having analysed the recorded by Nikon cameras material, the 
authors came to a conclusion that it was the forward view, 
which was more useful than side view, and that conclusion 
would be taken into account when developing the prototype. 
4.0 Proposal of Measurement Flatcar Prototype 
Conclusions drawn from field measurements and development 
of a preliminary concept led to defining the measurement 
system prototype model. It has been acknowledged that the 
system should incorporate the following units: 
- a scanner module, 
- an image module, 
- a GNSS/IMU recording module, 
- a module for precision recording of rail heads. 
The scanner module should include minimum three 2D 
scanning lasers. Two pulse-type scanners may be set diagonally 
and configured to perform measurements within the range of 1- 
50 metres, with a minimum frequency of 100 Hz for each 
scanner. The perpendicularly profiling scanner may be a phase 
type of a frequency of 300 Hz. Presently, the maximum 
profiling frequency for scanners available on the market is 200 
Hz, therefore one may consider a temporary application of two 
scanners. The system of scanners should provide a cloud of 
points with the average distance between perpendicular profiles 
of not more than 10 cm at the travelling speed of 100 km/h 
(with the density of points in profile planes ranging from 
several to a dozen or so millimetres). This will ensure detection 
of elements in the clearance area and in its close surroundings 
of the minimum dimensions of 10 x 10 cm. If two scanners are 
applied, of profiling frequency of 200 Hz each, the resolution of 
detail detection will increase, reaching the level of 7 cm in the 
direction parallel to the track axis. There are no technological 
barriers to increasing resolution in the perpendicular direction. 
The laser scanners must be rigidly integrated with the 
GNSS/IMU module. Another element is a set of 4-8 high 
resolution photogrammetric cameras. Two pairs of cameras 
constitute a set of photogrammetric cameras and are used for 
performing additional, supplementary measurements. 
Figure 9. Model of measuring flatcar 
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