Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

Yanmin Wang“, Ming Guo ^* 
* Key Laboratory for Urban Geomatics of National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, Beijing 
University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China - wangyanmin@bucea.edu.cn; 
Commission IV, WG IV/4 
In order to manage point image model easier and build the point cloud model on the basis of the need and improve the query 
efficiency, a 2D&3D integrated spatial index of large point image model is proposed in this paper. Point image is managed by 2D 
quad tree and 3D MBB. Point image model constituted by point image are indexed by 3D-R tree. Finally the organized hierarchical 
model and other attribute data are stored in commercial database. The storage, management and visualization of large point image 
model are verified on the ordinary PCs. The experiment data are derived from the representative ancient buildings in Forbidden City. 
Experimental results show that the algorithm is able to manage more than 10G-level data and one billion valid points with 
satisfactory rendering efficiency. 
KEY WORDS: Terrestrial LIDAR, Point Image, Spatial Index, LOD 
1.1 Point Image 
Terrestrial LIDAR has become one of the principal means of 
acquiring fine 3D graphics information in the near earth space. 
3D laser scanner launches the laser and ranges by receiving the 
laser that had been launched for many times. The data are 
acquired by high resolution domed scanning. The points are 
recorded by 3D coordinates with intensity, which are stored by 
the way of 2D array logically. 
Figure 1. The domed scanning data: point image 
We define original scanned data with the array way as point 
image. The multi-view (multi-station) point images which are 
only registrated are called point image model. Point image 
model has the characteristics of large volumes (mass). 
arrangement with scanning line(grid), raw data without any 
processing(originality) , single point in the same rays 
direction(uniqueness). Some terrestrial laser scanner equipped 
with a camera can acquire texture information of scanning target. 
There is no direction vector of points generally. However, the 
rich information acquired by laser scanner has not been used 
* Corresponding author. E-mail:guoming@bucea.edu.cn. 
effectively. It is used to convert the data to scattered point cloud 
and recalculate the geometric properties of scattered point cloud 
again. The topological relationships acquired by scanning 
directly among the 3D points are abandoned. Some scholars 
have noticed this characteristic of point image model and have 
made some meaningful work. In order to construct TIN model 
more effectively, a algorithm of spherical directed search and 
spherical Local Optimization Procedure(LOP) is presented, 
which not only improves the efficiency of network 
configuration, but also avoids triangulation error and hole 
caused by the data noise(Zhang Fan, Huang Xianfeng,2009);In 
order to optimize point image registration process, a spherical 
re-sampling method based on distance dependence is used to 
simplify point image data, which reduces the time cost of 
registration effectively (Mandow, A., Martinez, J.L, 2010). 
1.2 Research Significance 
Point image can express true target shape as a whole. They are 
original data that must be saved permanently, and the post- 
processing work of point cloud data must depend on the point 
image model. However, the volume of data is very high and 
point image data may include millions of 3D points. It 13 
obvious that point image model has lots of scanning stations. 
For example, inside and outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony 
in Forbidden City, the volume had been reached to hundreds of 
stations. And how to store, manage and visualize such a huge 
point image model has become a problem that must be solved at 
present. Commercial software have functions of edit, 
registration, 3D modelling and data conversion of point cloud 
data, etc. But they are mainly used to solve the problems from 
the traditional view of reverse engineering and can't render the 
whole of point cloud data at once.These software can only 
divide the data into sub-block to process, then choose the 
available data and abandon the others, which loses the 
originality and grid of point image data. It not only takes more 
time cost and effort but also can’t be used conveniently. 
Especially for the ancient buildings in Forbidden City, they 
have feat 
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