1.1 Instructions
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging technology has enjoyed
rapid development in the photogrammetry and remote sensing
community in recent years. Though many applications of
LiDAR data have been carried out in fields such as topographic
mapping, forestry parameter retrieval(Hyypp, 2000)(Andersen,
2007;Melzer, 2004), power-line detection(Feng, 2009; Melzer,
2004;Xu, 2008), 3D urban modeling(Gamba, 2000;Jic,
2006;Rottensteiner, 2002;Sampath, 2007;Habib, 2009), and true
orthophoto production(Kim, 2006;Riao, 2007), to mention only
a few. However, it is a pity that LIDAR data lack of spectral
information due to the monochromatic property a laser
transmitter adopted(Baltsavias, 1999), no matter what kinds of
laser sources used. On the other hand, imageries acquired by
conventional air-or-space borne sensors are imaged within
visible or near-infrared band of spectrum, therefore, full of
semantic information. To combine their respective advantages
of LiDAR data and imagery can not only provide extra
information for thematic mapping, it is also the requirement of
ortho-photo production, in which accurate Digital Surface
Model is a must.
Co-registration of airborne laser scanning data and imagery is
the first step when combining the usages of the two datasets are
considered. Since 3D property in nature, laser scanning datasets
are difficult to register with imagery by conventional image-to-
image registration methods. Though there is lot of literature
describes image-to-image registration(Brown, 1992), both
automatically or semi-automatically, however, little literature
concerns the problem of registration between LiDAR data and
imagery up to date. In some research straight line
features(Habib, 2005) and planer patches(Kwak, 2006;Bang,
Habib 2008) were used in two separate methodologies as the
primitive of choice for the co-registration of the
photogrammetric datasets to the LiDAR coordinate system.
The approach using straight line features and planer patches
starts with generating a photogrammetric model through a
photogrammetric triangulation using an arbitrary datum without
knowledge of any control information(Habib, 2005). To
incorporate photogrammetric straight line in the registration
model, the end points of “tie line” have to be identified in one
or more images, providing for collinearity equations.
Intermediate points are measured on this line in all images
where it appears. For each intermediate points, a coplanarity
constraints is used. This constrain states that the vector from the
perspective center to any intermediate point along the line is
contained within the plane defined by the perspective center of
that image and the two points defining the straight line in the
object space. Similar to the case of the line features, on the
characteristics of planar patches in both datasets. The core
principle behind this methodology is that in the absence of
systematic error, LiDAR points belonging to a certain planar-
surface should coincide with the photogrammetric path
representing the same object space surface. In other words, the
volume of the pyramid with its vertex at the LiDAR point and
its base at the corresponding photogrammetric patch should
equal to zero. Though good results achieved, Harbib's method
has shortages in term of the following aspects: a) only multiple
frames with adequate overlapped regions can be registered, b) in
their model, traditional photogrammetric workflow is used to
obtain exterior elements, which is a two-step procedure consists
of relative and absolute orientation. Errors can be accumulated
in the procedure, therefore, affect the final registration accuracy,
c) their procedure is complex and is not a computational cost-
effective one.
Another factor must be considered when registering LiDAR
data and imagery is the correspondence between image
resolution and LiDAR data density. When the application of
urban planning and management is concerned, resolution of
photogrammetric images usually ranges from 5cm to several
tens of centimeters according to the configuration of modern
photogrammetric cameras, while point spacing of LiDAR point
clouds ranges from 0.2 to 2 meters. What is the optimal
resolution an image should be when it is registered to LiDAR
data with given density or vice versa? We view this problem as
scale analysis. To the authors best knowledge, there is no
literature concerning this problem.
In summary, the existing problems of registration of LiDAR
point clouds data and remote sensing images are as following:
registration process is complex, requiring to complete in two
steps. First, three-dimensional relative orientation is used to
generate image corresponding point clouds; second,
corresponding point clouds is taken to register with LiDAR
point clouds; (2) mathematic formulation of registration
primitives is not concise enough; (3) lack of registration method
which is suitable for single frame image and multiple frame
images with LiDAR point clouds simutanuously; (4) there is
lack of scale analysis.
2.1 The Selection of Registration Primitives
Though much different in nature concerning the LiDAR data
and imagery, the registration of them can also be decomposed
into four essential problems: the extraction of registration
primitives, the establishment of similarity measurement, the
selection of transformation function and the strategy for
matching(Brown, 1992).
Registration primitives should satisfy the remote sensing data’s
characteristics that are obvious, even distribution and easy to
extract, and it cannot be affected by different sensor data's
geometrical or radiation deformation, noise, scene changes and
other factors. The primitives which can be used for registration
in current literature mainly are areas, such as forest, lake and
champaign (Zitova, 2003,Flusser, 1994, Goshtasby, 1986) and
points, such as angular point of areas, point of lines intersection
(Stockman, 1982, ) and inflection point with large radian(Ali,
1998), as well as linear features, including ground objects’
edge(Dai, 1997) and split surfaces' intersection lines.
This paper regards linear feature as registration primitives,
mainly because LiDAR is characteristic of discreteness, which
cannot accurately choose control points. Moreover, linear
feature has the following advantages:
€ Lincar fcature has a certain degree of scalability. Any two
points of linear feature can state the whole linear feature;
€ In 2D and 3D data’s registration transformation model,
linear feature has more powerful constrained condition
than plane feature;
€ The expression ways of linear feature are various, which
can be parametric representation or expressed by any two
misalignment points in straight line;
® Any point in straight line can be expressed b
parameters. 3
Unlike image data, the selection of tie points from LiDAR
dataset for registration is almost impossible, since LiDAR data
are so called point clouds, what are the discrete return echoes
representing the 3D geographic coordinate values. Therefore, it
is of great difficulty to precisely register LIDAR data and image
if we use tic points as the registration primitives. Though
patches are usually good candidates as registration primitives,
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