Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

Figure 10. First architecture of information system 
Web site 
Access to 
Figure 11. Global architecture of information system 
More specifically, the tour has been improved by adding data: 
other panorama and pictures taken at different seasons, other 2D 
data, text and explanations, etc. It also gives the possibility to 
generate the virtual tour and to access to the website on an iPad 
or other mobile device. Guides of the archaeological site could 
then use this application as a real source of information while 
showing the site. The tour would then become more interactive. 
A problem remains: to be able to update information regularly 
and to add features to the tour, a process must be created to 
optimize the generation of the tour. It would then be possible to 
add fresh news or temporary data very easily. 
As far as the 3D model is concerned, the integration of 
archaeological models and theories would bring a special 
interest. However the idea of an automated process to update the 
data from the 3D model into the virtual tour is still an unsolved 
Thanks to the City of Thann, Alsace, France for the financial 
support of this research collaboration. 
Thanks to Mrs. C. Steiner, in charge of the valorization of the 
Engelbourg, for his active collaboration, experience and 
knowledge sharing. 
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References from Books: 
Ehretsmann, M., 1992. Rapport de fouilles programmes, 
Thann, Engelbourg. Direction Regionale des Affaires 
Culturelles d'Alsace, Service Régional d'Archéologie. 151 
References from Other Literature: 
Berger, S., 2011. Etude de la modélisation d'une maquette 3D 
et de l'intégration de données. Application au projet 
archéologique et patrimonial de Thann (Alsace). Diploma 
Thesis at INSA de Strasbourg, Sept 2011, 60 pages. 
References from websites: 
Google Sketchup, 2011. Google SketchUp software's website. 
url: http://sketchup.google.com 
Hugin, 2012. Hugin — panorama photo stitcher. 
url: http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ 
Kolor, 2011. Kolor products website, Autopano, Panotour and 
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url: http://www. kolor.com/forum/ 
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url: http://krpano.com/ 
PAIR, 2012. PAIR official website. 
url: http://www.pair-archeologie.fr/fr/accueil.html 
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url: http://pano2vr.com/ 
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url: http://www.ptgui.com/ 
Sketchucation, 2011. Google SketchUp, user 's Forum. 
url: http://news.sketchucation.com 
Ville-Thann, 2011. Thann s official website, Alsace. 
url: http://www. ville-thann. fr 
Wiki.panotool, 2012. Pano Tools wiki. 
url: http://wiki.panotools.org/Main Page 
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