Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
an example is shown in Figure 9. After a subscription has been 
submitted successfully, the service starts processing. 
Csoap:Envelope (3. d 
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»mins: wsa:http: / wu. w3.org /2005/08 /addressing 
mins: wsnt:http: //docs.oasis-open.org /wsn/b-2 
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»amins:ows:http: //www.opengis.net /ows 
»amins:xsi:http: //wwuw.w3.org /2001/XMLSchema instance 
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=fes:and 3 Ÿ 
= fes:PropertylsNotEqualTo (à i 
- fes: ValueReference ns 
*-urn:oge:def:prope rty:OGC::soil temperature 
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= fes:PropertylsGreaterThan (4 ÿ 
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Figure 9. Example for a subscription document in a tree 
The final web client allows visualizing the events that have 
been cached by the SES client (Figure 10). If an event message 
was received by the SES client, the web client can be used to 
evaluate in detail the situation that led to the alert. The web 
client shows a list with an overview of all events that occurred. 
A single list item can be expanded to give a detailed description 
of the event. In addition, the corresponding history of 
measurements can be visualized using the plotting functionality 
of the client. 
Figure 10. Extended Web client and SES-Client. 
In the last few years, several projects started that use SOS 
services for early-warnings systems in respect to flooding. One 
prominent example is the Tsunami Service Bus of the German 
Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) 
(Fleischer et al., 2010) which uses SOS, the Sensor Planning 
Service (SPS), SAS and the Web Notification Service (WNS). 
Other projects related to flooding observe water gauges or 
groundwater levels, e.g., by the Wupperverband SWE project 
(Spies & Heier, 2008) or within the Dutch spatial data 
infrastructure (Jellema & Gijsbers, 2008). None of those 
projects focuses on carly flood warnings based on soil moisture 
Like GITEWS, other SWE early-warning systems often use the 
combination of SOS, SPN, SAS and WNS. A typical example is 
the European project OSIRIS (OSIRIS Consortium, 2009) that 
developed an open architecture for smart and interoperable 
networks in risk management based on in-situ sensors and 
demonstrated the deficiencies of SAS/WPN. Experiences with 
the SES are rare; for an overview see (Bróring et al., 2011). 
Similarities with WEBBOS in objective and services used has 
CSIRO's *South Esk Hydrological Sensor Web", which 
monitors the water cycle in Tasmania and particular forecasts 
the short-term river flow (Guru et al., 2008). 
Since version 2.9, OpenLayers also provides a native SOS 
support (http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/ 
Protocol/SOS/v! 0 0-js.html). However, its functionality is 
rather restricted. For example, a request of sensor observations 
over time periods is not supported. Other SWE client projects 
can be found at http://52north.org/communitics/sensorweb/ 
In this paper, we presented the results of the WEBBOS project. 
The objective of WEBBOS has been to build up a system for 
carly flood warnings by measuring soil moisture profiles. We 
have shown that current SWE services in combination with 
existing SWE and mapping libraries allow building up a 
suitable software framework for a web-based sensor system in 
this application field. The main contributions are: 
e the incorporation of soil moisture profiles into the SWE 
data model, 
e the integration of the new OGC Sensor Event Service, and 
e the development of a flexible web client for mapping and 
visualization of the service results including SWE events. 
As next step, it is planned to use the WEBBOS system for other 
types of environmental monitoring, e.g., in the context of 
coastal protection. Furthermore, it is intended to integrate data 
stream management systems (Babcock et al., 2002) with their 
powerful capabilities for complex event processing (CEP) and 
processing of very large data streams. 
Annoni, A. et al., 2005. Orchestra: Developing a Unified Open 
Architecture for Risk Management Applications. In: Oosterort, 
P. van, Zlatanova, S., Fendel, E.M. (eds.): Geo-information for 
Disaster Management, Springer, pp. 1-17. 
Babcock, | 
2002. Mo 
on Principi 
Botts, M., 
OGC Sens 
Botts, M., 
Language | 
1.0.0. OGC 
Bróring, A. 
Stasch, C., 
Sensor We 
2699, doi:1 
Cox, S. (ed 
Version 1.0 
Event Servi 
OGC Discu 
Everding, T 
Language ( 
Fleischer, J. 
Bus. Natura 
Guru S.M., 
Terhorst, A. 
Catchment i 
4" IEEE In 
IN, pp. 432- 
Hübner, C., 
K, Wagenk 
networks fo 
Jellema, J., ¢ 
Dutch Geo-i 
Sensor Web | 
pp. 61-68. 
Na, A., Pric 
OpenGIS In 
Paper 06-009 
http:/tws] t 
revB.pdf (06 
Simonis, I. 
Candidate In 
Best Practice: 
Spies, K.-H., 

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