Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

> XXXIX-B4, 2012 
5 started that use SOS 
espect to flooding. One 
(ice Bus of the German 
3 System (GITEWS) 
S, the Sensor Planning 
ication Service (WNS). 
serve water gauges or 
erverband SWE project 
ne Dutch spatial data 
2008). None of those 
5 based on soil moisture 
1g systems often use the 
NS. A typical example is 
Consortium, 2009) that 
mart and interoperable 
on in-situ sensors and 
WPN. Experiences with 
róring et al., 2011). 
e and services used has 
Sensor Web", which 
and particular forecasts 
provides a native SOS 
er, its functionality is 
t of sensor observations 
her SWE client projects 
f the WEBBOS project. 
o build up a system for 
1 moisture profiles. We 
es in combination with 
; allow building up a 
-based sensor system in 
itions are: 
e profiles into the SWE 
ensor Event Service, and 
» client for mapping and 
including SWE events. 
EBBOS system for other 
e.g, in the context of 
tended to integrate data 
et al., 2002) with their 
it processing (CEP) and 
reloping a Unified Open 
plications. In: Oosterom, 
ls.): Geo-information for 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin 
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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The presented work was developed within the project 
“WEBBOS: Webbasiertes Sensorsystem zur Bodenfeuchte- 
profilmessung in der Hochwasserfrühwarnung" funded by the 
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This 
support is gratefully acknowledged. 

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