Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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buted hypermedia 
sso et al. 2008). In 
a server and has à 
unique identifier. In web-based systems, this identifier is known 
as à Unified Resource Identifier (URI). Clients access and 
manipulate the resources by standard HTTP methods. 
Obtaining the current state of a resource, for instance, is done by 
sending a HTTP GET request to a resource's URI. The server 
processes the request and sends a representation of the 
resources current state as a XML, JSON (the lightweight data- 
interchange format JavaScript Object Notation) or simply as a 
plain text document. 
REST is implemented using Django”. Django is a Python web 
application framework that cases web application development 
by automating and abstracting low-level tasks and operations 
and by automatically building the database schema. Developers 
can then focus on the application logic. The GeoDjango plugin 
makes Django spatially enabled. GeoDjango uses open source 
libraries such as GDAL/OGR and GEOS to interact with and 
manipulate geographical information. Django is chosen for its 
simplicity, ease of deployment and very high quality 
documentation. Alternatives such as GeoServer are full-fledged 
applications. that offer more functionality than is currently 
Data is stored in two databases: PostGIS and Google Fusion 
Tables. PostGIS is chosen as the main data store as it is a well- 
known, powerful, open source spatial database. It enjoys the 
momentum discussed in section 2.2. Google Fusion Tables“ is "a 
cloud-based data management and integration service" that is 
designed specifically with collaboration, data sharing, the Web 
and usage by non-technical users in mind (Gonzalez et al. 
2010b). Fusion Tables stores (geographical) data in tabular form. 
Tables can be shared with the world or a selected group of 
people all of which can have different roles i.e. viewers and 
editors. The data is accessible through a Web interface and can 
be visualized in several different ways including as geometry on 
a map. Tables storing geographical information can be exported 
as KML. 
The used mapping framework is Google Maps. The WebGIS 
application is hosted on the author’s website’. The source code 
is hosted on the code collaboration website Github®. 
Geographical Information Systems have four main capabilities: 
data gathering, data storage and management, data analysis and 
presentation. The application presented in this paper extends 
these by implementing the design patterns and crowdsourcing 
mechanism described earlier on in order to create a WebGIS fit 
for disaster management. 
Non-expert users interact with the application through a 
desktop interface and a mobile interface. To identify any 
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https://www.djan goproject.com/ 
6 Www Eoogle.com/fusiontables 
http://www. git hub.com ndkv/gmer/ 
obstacle, users draw a polygon on the map or put a simple 
marker at the location of the blockage. Desktop users asses the 
condition of the infrastructure by tapping into geographical 
information sources such as satellite images, official reports, 
etc, but also into social media data sources such as blogs, 
Facebook, Twitter, etc. The mobile interface allows for the 
collection of data through a mobile device such as a smartphone. 
Mobile users act as sensors and report on the status and health 
of the infrastructure. Expert users interact with the application 
by way of an API. 
The following sections cover the four GIS components and 
discuss how these have been extended, what user interactions 
take place and which disaster management and crowdsourcing 
design patterns are implemented. 
Data gathering, storage and management: The two types of 
interfaces have similar functionality: users are able to mark 
blocked streets and areas, create routes, read obstacle metadata 
and read and write comments about individual obstacles. Both 
interfaces display the same information i.e. the desktop users 
see what the mobile users have mapped and vice versa. 
The desktop interface has four panels: a map, obstacle and route 
creation controls, obstacle properties panel and a comments 
panel (Figure 1). Users create obstacles and routes using the 
controls under the map. An obstacle is defined by drawing a 
polygon on the map that represents a blockage. Users define 
routes by providing a point of departure and a point of arrival 
after which the implemented routing algorithm finds the shortest 
path around all obstacles. See Nedkov and Zlatanova (2011) for 
a detailed discussion on the routing algorithm. 
The panels to the right of the map harbour the crowdsourcing 
mechanisms discussed in section 2.2. The properties panel 
provides an overview of obstacle metadata (e.g id, owner, 
creation date, type, etc.), and controls to modify obstacle 
geometry and delete obstacles. The comments tab acts as the 
main communication channel. Users can discuss the each 
obstacle separately. As such, discussion can be held on the 
origin, validity, history, etc. of each obstacle. 
The mobile interface looks simpler than its desktop counterpart 
but contains almost the same functionality. Users select 
polygons by tapping on them. Obstacles are created by entering 
points instead of polygons since we believe that drawing 
polygons may prove too cumbersome on a touch screen device. 
However, the routing algorithm needs polygons to operate 
properly so the points must be turned into polygons. This is 
done by the desktop users who look at the points and connect 
them in order to create polygons. The points are removed once 
the polygon is drawn. 
PostGIS acts as the main data store while Fusion Tables acts as 
a non-expert data dissemination and backup, and cooperation 
facility. PostGIS stores obstacle geometries which are versioned 
i.e. modifying obstacle geometry does not overwrite the original 

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