iscuss all facets of the
comments on columns,
/ Mobile}
‚Interface j
gs. comments
ometries, TA,
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Fusion |
hon APí Tables 1
Web interface, KML
General public
streams are represented
ollectors. They gather
mobile interfaces. The
ie payload of the data
ght of the lines denotes
1aring: as discussed in
re successful and gain
tuned to the user's
e, open means that the
ups are targeted here:
ier) who are not able or
refer a pre-processed
(volunteers in the third
The built application
through the following
faces, GFT’s export
ie developer API. The
to not only input data,
rmation. GFT's web-
isualisations. The data
s access to the data in
ll-known Text, KML,
g together of a highly
st technology and data
d a certain disaster
'edict beforehand how
cipate and which tools
jn for a crowdsourcing
olatile nature. What is
ystem, but a set of
ell documented and can
seamlessly be integrated on the fly to provide for the situation's
needs. This will allow systems to be configured with respect to
disaster management needs.
The main strength of the built WebGIS compared to other web
disaster management solutions is its ability to perform spatial
analysis in the form of routing. The users are not only gathering
data for others e.g. relief organizations, but also for themselves
as they too can use the routing service. The quality of provided
information is expected to rise once data gatherers experience
first-hand how the provided data is used and how errors affect
the routing solution. Data providers and gatherers' mindset
might change from "contribute occasionally and forget" to
"contribute continuously and guard quality". The implemented
communication methods aim at creating a long lasting
community .
Parallels between upcoming crowdsourced disaster management
initiatives and the open source communities are important to
notice and foster: computer savvy users fiddle daily with the
technology they later use for disaster management. As such,
they have momentum and a running, hands-on experience with
used technologies. Using open source is vital as it enables
hackers to adapt the software to their needs on the fly. Open
sourcing a project allows more people to get involved, which in
turn results in a larger knowledge and contributing user base.
The application's fitness for use has to be evaluated by
deploying it in a real-world simulation. The implemented ideas
and principles are based on theory and have been tested in a
research environment.
Trust is an important commodity in crowdsourced projects.
Mechanisms for increasing trust and checking the
trustworthiness of data sources should be researched and
implemented. Several ways of trust generation have been
brought forward, one of which is communication. For the
Current application, an extra communication channel is for
instance an application-wide chat module. Users will then be
able to discuss all aspects of the application, not only the
obstacles. Implementing a user management system further
Strengthens the trust validation process by allowing the
examination of the contributors' past actions.
An in-depth study of obstacle input methods has to be
performed. Drawing polygons may not be the most intuitive
input method available. Research and field trials may be needed
to assess the best input methods.
Currently, an internet connection is required for the prototype
to function. The availability of working wireless networks
‘annot be taken for granted during disasters. Therefore a caching
mechanism needs to be implemented that enables the prototype
lo function in the absence of internet connectivity.
Google Maps is chosen due to a lack of open source solutions at
the time of the here presented application's inception. The
situation has changed considerably. The OpenStreetM ap
mapping success in Haiti suggests using OpenStreetMap data in
combination with OpenLayers.
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