> XXXIX-B4, 2012
FOR THE 2010s
in any decade since the
ed the history of lunar
port on the outcome of
0 be done, and what is
\RT-1 (European Space
Reconnaissance Orbiter
ll these spacecraft have
r altimeters. Chang'e-1,
ales of 120, 10, 10, and
le Camera (WAC) and
aan-l and LRO carried
adowed areas, and most
d of coregistration with
ering. As one example,
LRO Camera (LROC)
of the LOLA altimetry
Itimetry have also been
rest have been prepared
1ages has begun. Many
ientific use of the vast
into a single reference
ser altimeter data from
tion of image datasets
the topographic surface
provides, based on the
sets based on the dense
nt topographic data will
ralogic features.
vations, and controlling
tive and will result in a
scientific studies.
se include the possible
f the lunar gravity field
Resurs mission planned
ons are being discussed
3 (China), SELENE-2
Robotic Program was
nar surface, though the
continued, the desired
nultinational analysis of
ING IN THE 2000s
nstruments for mapping
ade 2001-2010. These
le, the term “impacted
ately placed on an orbit
tted from the table are
the Moon but did not
S, which was launched
its south pole, the Moon
rayaan-1, and the Okina
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
(V*) subsatellite of Kaguya, which was deorbited at the end of
its mission.
Country Launch End Date
Mission Agency Date Disposition
SMART-1 Europe 2003 Sep 7 2006 Sep 3
ESA Impacted
Kaguya Japan 2007 Sep 14 2009 Jun 10
(SELENE) JAXA Impacted
Chang'e-1 China 2007 Oct 24 2009 Mar 1
CNSA Impacted
Chandrayaan-1 India 2008 Jul 7 28 Aug 2009
ISRO Lost contact
Lunar USA 2009 Jun 18 Extended
Reconnaissance NASA mission
Orbiter (LRO) continuing
Chang'e-2 China 2010 Oct 1 2011 Jun 8
CNSA Left orbit
Table 1. Lunar Orbital Missions of the 2000s.
The first five missions in Table 1 were described in our earlier
papers, and the reader is directed to Kirk et al. (2008) for a more
extensive table containing a brief description of the most
important instruments for mapping on each spacecraft. The
Chang'e-2 spacecraft was a duplicate of Chang'e-1 and carried
a similar suite of instruments, but the laser altimeter and CCD
camera were both improved. Whereas the Chang’e-1 CCD
obtained 120 m/pixel images from 200 km orbit altitude, the
new camera was able to obtain global 10 m/pixel coverage from
a 100 km orbit (Clark 2010). After lowering of the periselene to
15 km, regional coverage of Sinus Iridium at 1.5 m/pixel was
obtained to support selecting a landing site for the Chang'e-3
rover mission planned for 2013. After completion of its orbital
mission in 2011, Chang'e-2 left lunar orbit and flew to the I2
Lagrange point of the Earth-Moon system (Xinhua, 201 15.
All of these missions are considered successful. Perhaps the
greatest challenges affected Chandrayaan-1, which experienced
difficulties with thermal control in the lunar orbital
environment. High temperatures onboard the spacecraft may
have contributed to the progressive degradation of the attitude
control system and the eventual loss of contact in 2009 after less
than half of the two-year planned mission (e.g., Boardman et al.
2011). Nevertheless, more than 95% of mission objectives were
judged to have been achieved (The Hindu, 2011).
22 Cartographic Datasets and Uncontrolled Products
All of the missions listed in Table 1 carried cameras capable of
providing key data for lunar mapping, and all but SMART-1
carried laser altimeters. The nominal resolutions of these
cameras ranged over more than two orders of magnitude, from
05-15 m/pixel for LRO's Narrow Angle Camera (LROC
NAC) and the best Change'e-2 images to 100-120 m/pixel for
the LRO Wide Angle Camera (WAC) and Chang'e-1 CCD.
Many of the cameras were designed to collect stereo imagery by
using the multi-line pushbroom principle. Others were designed
10 obtain multispectral images. Two of the missions
(Chandrayaan-1 and LRO) carried polarimetric synthetic
aperture radars (SAR) capable of imaging the interior of
shadowed regions near the poles at ground sample distances
from 7.5 to 75 m/pixel. Collectively, the missions also carried a
Wide variety of imaging and profiling spectrometers and other
Femote sensing instruments such as thermal and ultraviolet
imagers. These instruments are secondary in a cartographic
Sense; although their data are scientifically very valuable, their
resolutions are generally lower, and as a result, their products
are usually tied to the primary control networks defined by
altimeter and camera data as opposed to contributing to the
definition of these networks.
221 SMART-1: The Advanced Moon micro-Imager
Experiment (AMIE) camera was a pushframe design, with
multiple color filters directly bonded to a 1024 x 1024 pixel
CCD detector (Pinet et al. 2005). More than 32,000 images
were obtained, with resolution generally increasing toward the
south pole (Grieger et al. 2008). Mosaics have been made (e.g.
Despan et al. 2008) but only a limited number have been
released. The raw and calibrated image data are available in
NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) format through the ESA
Planetary Science Archive at http://www rssd esa.int/index php
?projectzPSA &page-smart1 .
2.2 Kaguya: The LALT (Laser ALTimeter; Araki et al.
2009) recorded more than 20 million shots, of which 10 million
had high quality orbital data and were used for topographic
modeling (Araki, 2012). The Lunar Imager/Spectrometer
System (LISM; Haruyama et al. 2008) included the Terrain
Camera (TC), a 10 m/pixel pushbroom camera with fore- and
aft-looking detector lines and the Multiband Imager (MI), a 20
m/pixel framing camera with 5 visible and 4 near infrared
bands, as well as the Spectral Profiler (SP), a 296-band point
instrument. Nearly complete global image coverage was
obtained with both morning and evening illumination. An
uncontrolled 10 m/post global DTM has been produced by
stereoanalysis of the TC images (Haruyama et al. 2012). The
SELENE Data Archive at http://12db selene darts .isas jaxa.jp/
index .html.en contains ~6 GB of LALT, 13 TB of TC,and 16
TB of MI data in PDS format. These products include high level
derived products (topographic and image maps), but
unfortunately do not include the geometrically raw TC images.
223 Chang’e: The Laser Altimeter (LAM; Li et al. 2010b)
on Chang'e-1 recorded more than 9 million shots, of which ~3.2
million were useful for topographic mapping (Huang et al.
2010). These data were used to make both gridded DTMs (or
“DEMs”; Cai et al. 2009; Li et al. 2010b) and 360 degree/order
spherical harmonic models (Huang et al. 2010; Su et al. 2011).
Nearly complete image coverage was obtained with the CCD
camera, a 120 m/pixel 3-line pushbroom scanner. The data were
used to assemble a global image mosaic (Li et al. 2010a). This
mosaic could be described as semicontrolled, in that the
positions of some images were adjusted to bring them into <2
pixel agreement with neighboring orbit strips. The CCD images
have also been used to produce controlled (to LAM) DTMs
with 500 m grid spacing (Liu et al. 2009). In addition, infrared
spectral images were obtained at 200 m/pixel by the IIM
(Interferometer Spectrometer) instrument. Approximately 7.5
TB of Chang'e-1 data are publically available in PDS format at, with an English lang-
uage version of the website planned (Zuo et al. 2011). The
archive includes both raw and derived products, but unfortu-
nately trajectory data for the mission are not being released (K.
Di, pers. comm. 2011). Chang’e-2 data totalling another 3.9 TB
will be added to the archive when their proprietary period
expires. This delivery is likely to include the recently released 7
m/pixel global CCD-2 image mosaic (Xinhua 2012a; Jsp)
224 Chandrayaan-1: The Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument
(LLRI) and Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC), a 5 m/pixel three-
line stereo pushbroom scanner, were the primary cartographic
instruments on Chandrayaan-1 (Goswami and Annadurai 2009).
The payload also included the Hyperspectral Imager (HySI) and
Smart Infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2). The premature
termination of the mission, and the attitude control difficulties
prior to that, undoubtedly reduced their coverage from what was
planned. Production of DTMs and orthoimages from the TMC
images is nevertheless proceeding (Krishna et al. 2009;
Radhadevi et al. 2011; Krishna et al. 2012). A public archive of
PDS-formatted mission data is planned (Krishna et al. 2010),
but the website http://www.issdc. gov.in/ is not yet populated
with data as of April 2012.
More information is available about the US-provided Mini-RF
Forerunner radar, also known as Mini-SAR, and the Moon
Mineralogy Mapper (M’) infrared imaging spectrometer. Mini-
RF (Spudis et al. 2010) collected 75 m/pixel S-band (12.6 cm