Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

> XXXIX-B4, 2012 
swami and Annadurai 
dian-built orbiter and a 
er. Instruments on the 
lapping Camera (TMC- 
aging Infrared Spectro- 
is planned for 2014 but 
Grunt mission makes it 
sion will be delayed by 
the 2010s is somewhat 
lander/rover component 
he Chinese Chang’e-3 
(Xinhua 2012b). The 
|. 2007, would reward 
and operations, and has 
f whom have conducted 
lia, 2012 for a list of the 
of lunar laser ranging 
s is being discussed and 
lute accuracy of lunar 
celled both its Lunar 
nstellation Program for 
urrently has no definite 
mentioned above. The 
from the South Pole- 
ot selected as a NASA 
kely to be reproposed at 
, such as SELENE-2 
LITE and MoonRaker 
-late 2000s, but little or 
since, so they must be 
1 this category are the 
ncies in the past decade 
2020-2030. Whichever 
y will not be producers 
ly require high-quality 
certify landing sites and 
t al. 2012). 
e lunar data, these data 
rence frame and DTM. 
cessing thoroughly are 
ing, but at a level of a 
parison to the billions 
| the billions more— not 
risked if future surface 
data for landing site 
'urthermore, the burden 
of the existing lunar 
d among nations. The 
| with firm plans in the 
ortunity for the current 
creasingly international 
ng data rather than the 
railable to the Planetary 
jon/validation and data 
A (SELENE) Science 
uary 2012. 
pe and polar topography 
imetry. Science 323, pp. 
rocessing and geodetic 
d with the Lunar Exp. 
he IAU Working Group 
ational Elements: 2009. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sen 
sing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
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