‚8 Lianhuachi West
elling, the probe vehicle
es south latitude. It sent
ic tasks successfully. As
s of the landforms and
ver, due to the dramatic
nd line characters show
ver the whole moon has
ration method for CE-1
both the standard SIFT
; and effectiveness were
registration method, the
proposed method in the
uding difficult to obtain
On the October 24" 2007, China launched its first lunar Probe
Satellite "Chang'E 1". After the 494 days travelling, the probe
vehicle landed at its predetermined landing site on the moon at
52.36 degrees east longitude and 1.5 degrees south latitude
accurately (Li et al., 2010). It sent back the first imagery of the
lunar surface on 26 November 2007 and accomplished all the
scheduled scientific tasks successfully. As the first lunar Probe
Satellite, the major goal of Chang'E I mission is to obtain three-
dimensional images of the landforms and geological structures
of the lunar surface, so as to provide a reference for planned
future soft landings (Zheng et al., 2007).
Due to the dramatic change of the radiation information of the
CE-limagery, the traditional gray and line characters based
matching method has shown the limitation achieving a satisfied
result. By analyzing the imaging principle and quality of the
CE-1 satellite, the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (or SIFT)
algorithm is chosen as the rescarch-based algorithm in this
paper. SIFT is an algorithm mainly applied in computer vision
to detect and describe local features in images. The SIFT
algorithm was published by David Lowe in 1999 (David G,1999)
and then improved in 2004 (David G, 2004). One important
characteristic of the SIFT algorithm is that its feature descriptor
is invariant to uniform scaling, orientation, and partially
invariant to affine distortion and illumination changes
(Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2005, Sun, 2005), therefore shows
the suitability in image matching when great gray value
differences exist. Both the traditional gray-based and the SIFT
image matching algorithm are conducted for the CE-1 lunar
imagery matching in this research, the experimental results
indicate the efficiency and applicability of SIFT for feature
extraction and matching (Liu, 2009, Liu 2010).
The rest of the paper in organized as follows. The imaging
principle of the CCD stereo camera of CE-1 satellite and the
core theory of the SIFT matching algorithm are presented first.
To improve the efficiency of the matching operation and solve
the uneven distributed matching points, the paralleled matching
method is further studied in this paper and then a parallel and
adaptive uniform-distributed registration method for Chang'e-1
lunar remote sensed imagery is proposed. Based on the 6 pairs
of randomly selected images, the performance of the proposed
strategy through the comparison of its experimental results with
the results generating from the standard SIFT algorithm is
evaluated. Finally, the conclusion part summarizes the work of
the paper and gives a simple view of problems that need further
study in this field.
21 Imaging principle of CCD stereo camera on CE-1
The CE-1 satellite is assembled with a three-liner-array CCD as
the receiving device and designed with a orbit altitude of 200km.
The three line-array CCD are used to collect the forward, nadir
and backward looking of the imaging track separately while the
off-nadir viewing across the track is 17° (Wang et al., 2008,
Zhao et al., 2009, ), see Figure 1(left). The CE-1camera has the
Pixel size of 14um and is designed with a 23.33mm’s focal
length. In the camera imaging process, the arrays of 11, 512 and
1013 of the CCD matrix take ground features at the same time,
% presented in Figure I (right). This scanning and imaging
Method determines the high overlapping characteristic of the
Stripes among the forward, nadir and backward view, which
could be up to 96%.
Flying Direction —
Figure 1 Imaging principal of CCD camera (left) , imaging
principal of CCD camera (right)
The radiation information of the CE-1 lunar imageries changes
violently. The pictures below represent the radiation variation of
the CE-1 images captured from different areas: (1) low radiation
area, (2) high radiation area, and (3)(4) high radiation contrast
in the continuous area. This phenomenon results in difficulties
in image matching by using the traditional gray-based or the
feature point and feature line characteristic based methods.
(1) (4)
Figure 2 Comparison of radiation information from different
areas on CE-1 images
2.2 SIFT algorithm
The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, was
firstly proposed by Lowe in 1999 and then further developed in
2004 . The core ideology of SIFT algorithm is locating the local
extrema at the scale space and further detecting the invariant
image features. Compared with the feature-based algorithm, the
SIFT is invariant to image translation, scaling, rotation and
partially invariant to illumination changes and affine projection.
SIFT image registration is conducted through the following five
1) Generating Gaussian and DOG images at Scale-space.
Gaussian kernel is the only linear kernel for scale
transformation (Koenderink, 1984, Lindeberg, 1994). To build
the DOG pyramid the input images are up-sampled and
convolved iteratively with a Gaussian kernel of c-1.5. After
this step, 5 Gaussian pyramid are generated and each of them
contains 5 layers, thus the Difference of Gaussians (DOG)
pyramid can be computed by conducting the differential
operation onto the two nearby images.
2) Extrema point location and marginal point elimination.
The local extrema point is detected by comparing with its
neighboring 8 points in the same scale level, 9 neighboring
points in the scale above and scale below each. In the DOG
processing, the local maximum or minimum is considered as the
candidate till all the 26 neighboring points are assessed. The
SIFT algorithm works by fitting a 3D quadratic function to
define the location and the scale of the accurate key-points
(reaching the sub-pixel accuracy), and discarding the low-
contrast such as the unstable edge-corresponding points. For the
selected feature points, the Taylor expansion is conducted first
to calculate the accurate location of the local extrema and then
the edge-corresponding points are excluded though the Hessian
matrix procedure.