2.1 LandSAfe Architecture
LandSAfe is based on a web-based client/server model: the
system providing the Product Generation Modules and Data
Store is running on a server which is accessible through a
graphical user interface (UIF) running in a web browser. The
UIF provides the Commander functionality to execute the
Product Generation Modules and to provide the input
parameters required for processing. Furthermore, the UIF
provides viewing and browsing capabilities for mapping and
derived products.
The LandSAfe UIF Commander functionality is based on a
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using web services. The
LandSAfe core is embedded in a Web Processing Service
(WPS) using the open-source PyWPS solution which is an
implementation of the Web Processing Service standard from
the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The LandSAfe UIF
Commander generates processing requests and sends those
requests over the internet (http/soap) to the WPS service which
executes the request by running Python scripts from the
LandSAfe core.
The LandSAfe UIF Viewer is based on open-source JavaScript
libraries like OpenLayers, GeoExt and ExtJS. Those libraries
are also based on SOA architecture and allow the client side,
i.e. the web browser, to access Web Map Services (WMS), Web
Feature Services (WFS) and Web Coverage Services (WCS).
Such services are implemented using the open-source
GeoServer which is the reference implementation of the Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for the WFS, WCS and WMS.
On the server side the LandSAfe core is comprised of the
Product Generation Modules which generate the DTMs and
derived products like boulder and crater detection, risk maps
and illumination maps. The Product Generation Modules are
described in the following sections. Moreover, the Data Store
provides access to the internally generated mapping and derived
products. Additionally, the Data Store also provides access to
external product databases like NASA PDS (Planetary Data
System) (McMahon 1996) and ESA PSA (Planetary Science
Archive) which contain for example the input images and the
navigation data.
2.2 DTM Generation
The DTM generation module is responsible for the automatic
derivation of high resolution DTMs by means of stereoscopic
digital image matching techniques. This module is based on the
ISIS system (Anderson et al. 2004) of the USGS and the Ames
Stereo Pipeline (Moratto et al. 2010) developed by NASA. ISIS
provides image processing tools especially developed for
planetary imagery. It also includes a collection of camera
models of many NASA planetary missions and a database with
navigation data (spacecraft position and camera pointing) for
those missions via SPICE kernels (Acton 1996). The Ames
Stereo Pipeline (ASP) complements ISIS by providing
algorithms for dense digital image matching.
Python scripts implement the automatic processing chain
making use of ISIS tools and interfaces and the ASP for dense
matching. The processing chain is comprised of three steps:
image ingestion, bundle adjustment, DTM matching. Image
ingestion includes data import from PDS, radiometric
calibration and SPICE kernel initialization. Bundle adjustment
aims at improving the SPICE values for spacecraft position and
camera pointing and includes tie point matching, measuring
ground control points (GCPs) and calculating the bundle
adjustment. The tie points improve the relative accuracy of the
image strips, pairs or image blocks comprised of several image
strips and the GCPs tie the images to the body fixed coordinate
system. The latest and most accurate control net on the Moon is
the ULCN 2005 (Archinal et al. 2006) which is not applicable
in our case as its point density is too low. Therefore, we tie our
image blocks to the GLD100 (Scholten et al. 2012) dataset and
to the LOLA dataset at the poles. While the matching results
from LROC NAC imagery yield high resolution height values
the LOLA dataset can fill holes in low texture or shadowy
areas. A detailed example of a result of the processing chain is
described in section 3.
2.3 Boulder detection
The boulder detection module allows the automatic detection of
boulders and the estimation of their abundance on the landing
site area using size/frequency distribution functions. The
detection is made on high resolution LROC NAC imagery
applying a maximum entropy thresholding (MET) method
(Kapur et al. 1985) (s. Fig. 1). Then, boulders are measured and
counted to produce a boulder size-frequency histogram for the
target zone.
The algorithm for boulder detection has to be adapted to the
low sun elevation angles typical of polar regions (like on
Shackleton Rim). A zonal application of the MET algorithm
and image texture processing methods are also foreseen to
improve the procedure. If the availability of data allows it, the
detection is repeated on several images of the same area taken
at different illumination conditions.
For the size measurement of boulders, the module also makes
use of the high resolution DTM in order to extract the height of
the biggest boulders. If the slope (derivable from this DTM) is
also known this height can also be extracted from the length of
shadows measured on the images.
2.4 Crater Detection
Craters are automatically detected, measured and counted on
the same imagery used for boulder detection. The Canny edge-
detector is firstly applied (Troglio et al. 2010) in order to obtain
edge images on which the Hough Transform (Sawabe et al.
2006) can detect the circular shapes of craters. The edge image
is first cleaned up by deleting isolated edges (i.e. edges not
linked to crater outlines) using a directional gradient based
technique. Successive ranges of crater size are then detected
using the Hough Transform and the edge image is updated at
each step to remove edges corresponding to craters already
detected. As described for boulders, crater detection is also
repeated on several images covering the same area if available.
This crater detection on images is coupled with a DTM-based
approach and all the detected craters are compared in position
and radius in order to eliminate duplicates. Craters are counted
in each range of radius to produce a crater size-frequency
histogram for the target zone.