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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin
g and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
3.3 Collection of Toponym, Building Gazetteer and
Validation Geographical Names
In order to provide the accurate and consistence toponym there
are three main steps: data collecting, building gazetteer and
verification or validation of toponym by National Team for
Geographical Names Standardization. Figure 8 depict the step
of building gazetteer to be used as accurate and consistent
Digitz Topographie Base Map
2t B aaa ndanesis
Adıling Elavation Value far
Geographical Names Text
X8£ Mar.
Conversion inte GIS format
integratia7 intz Gezgran*ica! Names
4 1 1
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Figure 8. The step of building geographical names database
(Source: Modified from KAKT, Pusat Pemetaan Dasar
Based on results and discussions above we may conclude that
geographical names or topographic name as part of basic
geospatial information according to Act Number 4 of
Geospatial Information have an important role in disaster
management. Verification and validation of geographical
names include all the names of natural and cultural
phenomena, such as the names of mountains, islands, village,
sub district, district, provincial, buildings, roads, etc should be
done before geographical names database is distributed for
disaster management or many other purposes. Spatial analysis
can be use for enhancing information that could be tied with
geographical names.
Geographical names database with the final output in gazetteer
format that can be accessed through web is challenging and can
be part of an effort to realizing the national gazetteer so that
there is a common understanding of the topographical names in
Indonesia. The key of gazetteer is accurate and consistence
geospatial information as basic element of communication for
planning and management.
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