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: Damage 348968 ment as of 12/01/2010 {based on SsoEys sateiae image)
Figure 3. Haiti — Port-au-Prince: damage assessment map as of
13 Jan 2010 (based on GeoEye satellite image)
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Figure 4. Haiti — Port-au-Prince: road damage assessment map
as of 17 Jan 2010 (based on 0.15 m imagery)
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Figure 5. Haiti — Port-au-Prince: temporary shelter/spontaneous
camp as of 17 Jan 2010 (based on 0.15 m imagery)
During the Haiti earthquake response phase, just few products
were based on SAR data, e.g. a 2D Ground Motion based on
TerraSAR-X data produced by DLR/ZKI and a multi-temporal
coherence analysis based on COSMO-SkyMED data produced
by e-geos in the framework of the G-Mosaic project (most of
the statistics related to the number and type of map products are
based on ad-hoc queries in the catalogue service provided by
ReliefWeb, setting as temporal extent 1 month after the event)
As far as the approaches based on optical EO data are
concerned, generally high resolution optical imagery are usedto
assess the building damage grade, the damages to
infrastructures or the road network accessibility. Although
several automatic or semi-automatic techniques exist to identify
collapsed building or debris after an earthquake, a visual
interpretation approach was generally adopted in the operational
context of the Haiti response.
In both cases (optical and SAR data) the analysis is generally
based on a multi-temporal analysis between the satellite data
acquired before and after the event, but in case no suitable pre-
event data is available the analysis can be carried out on just the
post event image.
The selected minimal mapping unit was often the single
building, especially on the maps based on the high resolution
aerial datasets, adopting as damage grades the ones proposed in
the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98). However in the
first hours the analysis were mainly aggregated at grid cell level
or at building block level.
When a large amount of data characterized by a high spatial
resolution is available, and having the emergency response
phase tight time constraint, a coordinated participatory
approach, that assigns small grid cells covering the affected
arcas to several image analysts, is the most effective to assess
the impact of the event. Effective coordination is especially
required to allow a joint effort among different entities, like the
joint remote sensing damage assessment carried out by
Unitar/Unosat, World Bank and EC Joint Research Centre.
Earthquake damage assessment obviously needs large or very
large maps scale datasets (especially concerning built-up areas
and road network) to act as backdrop of the damage assessment
maps and/or to perform tailored analyses. The availability of
this kind of reference dataset is generally critical in developing
countries such as Haiti, which demonstrates the importance of
participatory mapping through media as OpenStreetMap or
Google Map Maker that allowed mapping large parts of Haiti
within a few days.
As far as satellite based impact assessment is concerned, the
main issue that requires an in-depth investigation is the
reliability of the provided information, ic, the expected
accuracy of the damage assessment according to the technical
features of the available satellite/aerial imagery (e.g., sensor
type, ground sample distance, off-nadir angle, and spectral
resolution). Validation activities related to information derived
by means of remote sensing are therefore crucial in order to get
the end users aware of the accuracy they can expect from a
specific satellite/aerial based analysis, consequently interpreting
the outputs for a more effective response activity.
Recent studies (Saito et al. 2010, Booth et al 201 1) highlighted
that vertical imagery (and in certain conditions also oblique
ones) may be limiting in discriminating the level of damage of
some buildings. In the summary of the "2nd International
Workshop on Validation of geo-information products for crisis
management" (JRC, Ipsra — Italy, 12-13 October 2010), it is
explicitly reported that a validation of a joint damage
assessment (using airborne images) performed with around
6,000 geo-tagged photos collected in the field gave an overall
accuracy of only 60%. According to (Corbane et al, 201 1) the
estimated overall accuracy of the best available spatial
resolution dataset (0.15 m) is about 65% in comparison to GPS
geo-tagged pictures acquired during ad-hoc field surveys. A