Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
ATT received 
RSSI high medium naught range 
Received range[m] [m] 
10 - 0.0 0.0 
9 0.5~1.0 - 1.0 1.0 
8 0.0~5.5 0.0-4.5 0.5~35.5 55 
7 2.0~6.0 - 2.5~6.5 6.5 
6 8.0 5.0-8.0 6.0~7.5 8.0 
5 6.5 6.5 8.0~8.5 8.5 
4 70~11.5 7.0711.0: |^ 7:07711:0 11.5 
3 12:5 9:5712.0-]- 9:57» 12.5 12:5 
6 7 
125 "| 1 T5 
14 10 
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Table 2. RSSI and maximum range 
A chapter 4 shows that only use of an active RFID could not 
possible to obtain the accurate position information. 
Therefore we consider obtaining more accurate position 
information by using both of active RFID and passive sensors. 
The sensors receive the signal from objects within 1.5-3m 
radius. Further high accuracy of indoor position information 
can obtain by a combination of active RFID and passive sensor 
is to utilize the advantage of both sensors. 
Then seamless positioning from indoor to outdoor will be able 
to do accurately by a collaboration of geoinfomatics 
5.1 Equipment 
Equipment was made by TAKENAKA ENGINEERING Co., 
Passive sensor: PA-6705 
Power-supply device: switching AC adapter (9V) 
Electrical cable: AWG22 (0.3mm?) 
The feature of sensor is to detect human and object with heat by 
infrared ray. It is connected to RFID reader and transmits signal 
to reader. 
5.2 Experimental method 
Confirmatory experiment was conducted whether a passive 
sensor detected examinee on any position in a room. An 
examinee entered detecting area of sensor from X and Y 
direction as shown in Figure 7 ,and he or she repeated 100 
times this action for each direction. X direction shows front 
side of sensor. Examinee's walking speed is 3 levels which was 
normal walk, brisk walk and run. We assumed speeds which 
person generally walks inside a room. 
5.3 Results and considerations 
Table 3 shows average and standard deviation of detecting 
position that examinee entered detecting area of sensor for each 
direction. As a result, all detected position of sensor was within 
a lm radius, regardless of walk speed. Thus, combination of 
active RFID and passive sensor is better than that of single use. 
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Figure 7. Experimental outline of RSSI and ATT 
average standard deviation 
normal | X 13.24 8.8960 
walk Y 62.89 13.1775 
brisk X 30.23 10.7477 
walk y 99.78 9.5787 
ni X 5.68 6.4107 
S 63.02 15.7601 
Unit: [cm] 
Table 3. Detecting position from X and Y direction 
Researcher who applies tag and RFID to people can obtain 
accuracy position by using the idea. 
Active RFID is more expensive than passive sensor. We 
suggest that to get indoor position at good condition is as 
follows: Use the wireless LAN if you want to detect the 
person on the floor. Use the Active RFID if you want to detect 
the person in the room. Use a combination of Active RFID and 
passive sensor if you want to detect further detailed position of 
person in the room. User is possible to reduce the costs of the 
system by depending on the using purpose. 
We will conduct experiment for realizing an advanced spatial 
information society in the future. As described a chapter 3, 
QZSS was launched in 2010 by JAXA and is satellite system 
taken by a combination of multi orbit plane and each satellite 
deployed to appear constantly 1 satellite near the zenith in 
Japan. Japan and other neighboring countries will be able to 
receive signals from QZSS anytime and anywhere when 3 
satellites of QZSS will be launched. However, QZS launched 
only one satellite and signal received area from a satellite is 
limited. Therefore, it is using for the purpose of demonstration 
experiment in Japan since launch. KIT(Kanazawa Institute of 
Technology) are joining this experiment and be doing the 
demonstration experiment of a part of Hokuriku area in Japan. 
If the experiment is successful, positions will obtain at an area 
surrounded by canopies and buildings without affecting by 
cycle slip and multi-path. 
In the chapter 6 we describe in detail which demonstrated 
experiments results March and April in 2012. 

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