Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
An example of a correctly rejected grassland GIS-object is 
given in Figure 8. While the GIS cropland object was covered 
with vegetation on the pictures on the right hand side, the 
picture in the second row on the left hand side does not show 
any vegetation. As grassland is covered by vegetation all year 
(Itzerott and Kaden, 2007), this GIS-object has to be grassland 
and not cropland as indicated in the GIS data set. This result 
can be confirmed by taken a look at the aerial image on the 
upper row on the left hand side. The aerial orthoimage is used 
to prove the result; it was not used within the verification 
process. The decision of our system to reject the GIS-object is 
Figure 8: Correct rejected grassland GIS object: aerial orthophoto, 
April 2009 (top left), RapidEye CIR - 27.09.2009 (top right) - 
24.04.2009 (bottom left) - 24.08.2009 (bottom right). 
The method for the verification of cropland and grassland 
objects described in this paper achieved satisfactory for both 
classes even that the results from the class cropland are slightly 
better. In this publication we determined a suitable value for 
parameter f,. t, is important to transfer the classification result 
to a GIS-object and has a big influence on the verification 
results. An investigation regarding the other parameters which 
needs experiences from a human operator to be set still has to 
be done. 
Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the relevant features would 
be interesting, in order to reduce the feature vector to the most 
relevant features, and at the same time to reduce the necessary 
numbers of training areas. Maybe the best choice of features 
even could be determined during the training phase. 
In addition, the approach was tested on only one multi-temporal 
multi-spectral data set so far. It is interesting to see the 
performance on further data sets. Especially because two out of 
the three images were taken to approximately the same time 
(only a few days different), the appearance of the vegetation 
hardly changes. Tests showed that using only the RapidEye 
images the results were comparable to using all three images; 
comparable means that the time efficiency was slightly lower 
and the TA a posteriori slightly higher. 
In this paper we focused only on the classes cropland and 
grassland. The features should be useable to achieve also good 
results for further classes, e.g. the separation of different forest 
types (deciduous and coniferous forest). 
This work was supported by the German Federal Agency for 
Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) in Frankfurt am Main. 
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