wards automatic
small houses and
base (maps). The
her investigation
ination condition
‚ (3) the capacity
mization method
thod for optimal
rch method. The
id approximately
ition methods to
ition of regional
has been applied
x buildings with
is, illumination
y of imagery and
iderable position
>d map. Third is
ly-built buildings.
gnition accuracy,
| method which
first step is the
rial optimization
on so as to solve
ep is the newly-
ptimal building
] third problems.
p-based building
Extended from
the previous method
/ Step 2:
building extraction
ction database
ding change
By matching and comparing imagery with maps to
automatically identify a building status on maps as "existing",
"changed (demolished and need to re-examine)" or "newly-
built", this method realizes a service which provide "building
change detection information" to users. The service named
"HouseDiff" allows users to investigate only the parts of
imagery that are most likely changed, which will lead to the
reduction of cost and labour.
The remainder of this paper will focus on the two steps
extended from the previous method (Ogawa et al, 1999), which
are, the building recognition (Step 1) in chapter 2, and the
newly-built building extraction (Step 2) in chapter 3. Chapter 4
provides the experimental results that demonstrate the validity
of the proposed method and discussion. Finally, chapter 5 gives
a conclusion.
The first step is the building recognition. It determines whether
the buildings still exist by matching the new imagery and the
old map. This step focuses on the boundaries of buildings to
evaluate the difference between imagery and maps. The
boundaries can be extracted effectively if map figures are
utilized as a guide of those presence, position, and direction.
We regard the building boundary extraction as a combinatorial
optimization problem of light-dark and dark-light edge
segments along the building map figure using graph theory
known as the shortest path search method. The shortest path is
calculated by Dijkstra method using weighted undirected graph
of edge segments. The evaluation of the difference between
imagery and map figures is done by an energy cost of the
shortest path search calculation considering the edge quality
information (i.e. distance from map figure line, edge power,
edge continuity, and edge presence). The optimization method
allows to resolve the large and complex combinatorial problem
and to extract the optimal boundaries with the acceptable
position error and various types of target buildings (i.e.
brighter than background, darker than background, and its
à 225 degrees direction
End edge extraction filter
=== Building polygon POLYGONij
<= Target polyline POLYLINEijk «= Light-dark edge segment
zm Dark-light edge segment
[—] Edge search range
combination). Furthermore, it becomes possible to extract a
building with weak boundaries due to similar materials of roof
and background, and partly occluded by trees.
Figure 2 and 3 show the algorithm outlines. Figure 4 shows an
example of results that confirmed the validity of this algorithm.
Step 1.1: Edge segments graph construction
(a) For each parcel PARCELi in the map; For each building
polygon POLYGONij in the parcel; For each polyline
POLYLINEijk in the building polygon;
(b) Extract candidate edge segments along the polyline
(c) Extract vector data (both end point) for each edge
segment, and calculate its weight (equation (1))
(d) Construct a weighted undirected graph of edge segments
(e) Add virtual links to the graph to connect all edge
segments, and calculate those weight (equation (1)) with
penalty factor (weighted twice)
Step 1.2: Optimal building boundary extraction
(a) Search the shortest path from POLYLINEijk start point to
POLYLINEijk end point using the weighted undirected graph
by Dijkstra method (combinatorial optimization of edge
segments by minimizing energy cost)
Step 1.3: Change detection by edge quality evaluation
(a) Calculate the edge quality evaluated value EdgeValue of
each optimal building boundary (equation (2))
(b) Calculate the edge quality evaluated value EdgeValueAll
of whole building by a linear weighted combination of
EdgeValues (equation (3))
(c) Evaluate the EdgeValueAll and detect the change
(equation (4))
(d) Output the detected change information (demolished,
need to re-examine)
Figure 2. Optimal building boundary extraction algorithm
LineLength : Length of target polyline
l; : Length of light-dark edge segment
l; : Length of dark-light edge segment
pl, : Projected length of light-dark edge segment
Virtual link between edge segments Optimal edge path(incl. virtuallink) p/, : Projected length of dark-light edge segment
Step 1.1: Edge segments graph
Step 1.2: Optimal building boundary Step 1.3: Change detection by edge quality evaluation
construction extraction
Figure 3. Optimal building boundary extraction