Full text: Technical Commission IV (B4)

been developed into a multi-stereo mobile mapping system for a 
wide range of applications. The system consists of an Applanix 
POS LV 210 navigation system which is used to directly 
georeference the digital industrial cameras. Typically, the 
system is configured with multiple stereo camera systems with 
sensors of two (FullHD) and eleven megapixels respectively. 
All systems use GigE cameras with CCD sensors, global 
shutters, 12 bit radiometric resolution and a pixel size larger 
than 7 um. The cameras are equipped with wide-angle lenses 
providing a large field of view of around 80 degrees and still 
preserving a high geometric accuracy. The sensors are mounted 
on a rigid platform and can be setup in various configurations 
with stereo bases of up to 1.5 m. Depending on the mapping 
mission the sensors are operated at 5 to 30 frames per second, 
leading to dense stereo image sequences and raw imagery in the 
order of one to several TB per hour. 
Figure 2. IVGI stereovision mobile mapping system, 
configured with a forward and a backward looking stereo 
system and a downward looking profile scanner 
3.2 Stereovision processing and exploitation software 
As part of the SmartMobileMapping project a comprehensive 
processing and exploitation pipeline (see Fig. 3) was developed 
covering the following aspects: 
* System calibration including calibration procedures for 
interior orientation, relative orientation, misalignment and 
lever arm parameter estimation for multiple stereo systems. 
* Direct or integrated georeferencing of the captured stereo 
sequences, the latter integrating GNSS/INS- and vision- 
based observations (Eugster et al., 2012). 
* Stereo image pre-processing yielding radiometrically 
corrected, distortion free and normalised high resolution 
image sequences (Burkhard et al., 2012). 
*  Dense depth map extraction and 3d point cloud generation. 
The current dense matching solution is based on a semi- 
global block matching algorithm as it is implemented in the 
OpenCV library. 
* Automated feature extraction, e.g. automated mapping of 
road signs, exploiting the depth information gained from 
dense stereo matching (Cavegn & Nebiker, 2012). 
*  Cloud-based hosting and interactive exploitation either 
using a stereo client for stereoscopic measurements by 
geospatial professionals or a mono client supporting 
accurate 3d measurements by means of 3d monoplotting. 
Mobile Mapping System 
multiple | 4 
stereo systems 
b; onboard controller 
D and data storage 
navigation system 
| system calibration 
Web-based exploitation 
y | 
stereo sequence and 7] = xd 
depth map processing | || 
IR ! eie | 3d 
direct and integrated es a: 
georeferencing digitized street / rail corridors 
Processing System Cloud-based Hosting 
Figure 3. Stereovision processing pipeline and workflow for 
the mobile ground-based multi-stereo imagery 
The introduced stereovision based mobile mapping enables 
absolute 3d point accuracy of 3-4 cm (1 sigma) under average 
GNSS conditions (Burkhard et al., 2012). Relative measure- 
ments within a single stereo frame or between points in 
neighbouring frames of the image sequence are better than 1cm. 
4.1 Leica RCD30 multispectral camera 
For the airborne image acquisition, a Leica RCD30 camera was 
used. The RCD30 is a four-band (RGB and NIR) medium 
format camera consisting of a single lens and two frame sensors 
behind a dichroic beam splitter (Wagner, 2011) (see Figure 4). 
Figure 4. Leica RCD30 with OC52 Operator Control 
and CC32 Camera Controller with GNSS/IMU 
The following features make the RCD30 particularly interesting 
for this type of road corridor survey: 
* A 60MP single camera head delivering high-resolution co- 
registered, multispectral RGBN imagery. 
* A mechanical Forward Motion Compensation (FMC) along 
two axis allowing proper operation also for large drift 

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