Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

scale 2” (Mallat, 1999). Because of sub-sampling, the length 
of the original signal is reduced after applying conjugate mirror 
filer to the original signal. With these properties, wavelet 
decomposition is implemented on dimensionality reduction of 
hyperspectral images (Hsu, 2003). 
Linear and nonlinear wavelet-based feature extraction (WFE) 
methods are applied to hyperspectral images in this study. In 
linear WFE, the approximation coefficients a; are regarded as 
features for classification. On the other hand, nonlinear WFE 
consider approximation coefficient a; as well as detail 
coefficient d; and select M largest wavelet coefficients as 
important features for classification (Hsu, 2003). In the 
experiments, the wavelet function used in linear and nonlinear 
WFE is Daubechies 3 wavelet (Daubechies wavelet with 3 
vanishing moments). The experiment procedure of wavelet- 
based feature extraction is illustrated in Figure 2. 
3.3 HHT-Based Feature Extraction 
According to the characteristics of time-frequency analysis of 
HHT, the HHT will be applied to spectral curves of each pixel 
in hyperspectral image. First of all, Hilbert-Huang transform is 
implemented on a spectral curve. The instantaneous frequency 
and amplitude of each component will be calculated. Then Hil- 
bert spectrum is formed by using instantaneous frequency and 
amplitude. The residual information is also considered in this 
spectrum. After that, the M largest values in the Hilbert spec- 
trum are selected as the important features of the spectral curve 
for classification. These features are sorted by the bands where 
the feature is located. If more than two features have same loca- 
tion of bands, sort the features according to their frequency. Fi- 
nally, the extracted features are used as the inputs for classifica- 
tion. Maximum likelihood classifier is used in this study. The 
procedure of feature extraction using Hilbert-Huang transform 
is illustrated in Figure 2 as well. 
Feature Extraction Wavelet Transform 
/ Hilbert-Huang Transform 
de Feature T ! 
En Feature Selection : 
Training Data 
(Maximum Likelihood Classification) 
Figure 2. The flow chart of wavelet-based or HHT-based 
feature extraction 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
There are three experiments in this study. The first experiment 
is to compare the performance between unsupervised and su- 
pervised HHT-based feature extraction. The second experiment 
is to compare different WFE methods. Finally, the HHT-based 
feature extraction methods are compared with wavelet-based 
feature extraction methods mentioned in section 3.2 and 3.3. 
4.1 Experiment I: Comparison of Classification Results 
between Unsupervised and Supervised HHT-Based 
Feature Extraction Methods 
The purpose of the experiment is to test the performance of un- 
supervised HHT-based feature extraction method. In addition, 
the features of supervised HHT-based feature extraction are se- 
lected by computing Bhattacharyya distances from the features 
extracted by unsupervised HHT-based methods. The classifica- 
tion accuracies are calculated for various numbers of features by 
HHT-based methods. 
Figure 3 shows the classification accuracies with different 
HHT-based feature extraction methods. We can find that both 
unsupervised and supervised HHT-based methods have good 
classification accuracies. The classification results both 
conform to Hughes phenomenon that accuracy increases at first 
and then accuracy decline when the number of features 
increases with constant number of training samples. Compared 
with unsupervised HHT-based method, supervised HHT-based 
method can improve classification accuracy apparently. 
Supervised HHT-based feature extraction can achieve better 
classification accuracy (90%) with six and seven features, 
whereas unsupervised HHT-based method has lower accuracy 
(81.33%) with four features. Therefore, supervised HHT-based 
method can have better results by calculating the separability of 
different classes with training samples than unsupervised HHT- 
based method. 
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i079 HHT-Besed FE (unsupervised) 
io HHT-Based FE (supervised: © 
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tiumber of Feature 
Figure 3. Comparison of classification accuracies between 
HHT-based methods

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