Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

last day which is an effective monitoring day to find algae 
bloom at a certain time is called as end blooming date (EBD) 
in certain water region. The mathematical expression is as 
the follow: 
ASI=EBD-IBD+¢ (2) 
ASI can reflect the length of algae bloom in some area at 
certain time (in a year) (Duan H et al, 2009; Ma R er al, 
2010). € is decided by the monitoring time interval. The 
some area can be corrected to the pixel size. 
2.3 The process of extracting the index and information 
In order to achieve the extraction of temporal and spatial 
distributions information about algal glooms, the space 
distribution data of algal glooms in effective monitoring 
days are stored as open storage formats, which use storage 
framework of separating geographic code from data in 
favour of data sharing and interoperability among various 
sectors. The data include the original value and time 
information (date and days in a year). According to the 
method above, the IDL (Interactive Data Language) program 
is compiled and executed to extract temporal and spatial 
distributions information, obtaining the algae bloom 
frequency index and the algae bloom sustainability index 
map corrected to image pixel size based on MODIS data and 
statistical information about the subregion in Taihu Lake. 
3.1 The Algae Bloom Frequency and Sustainability 
The figure 2(a, b and c) shows the annual algae bloom 
outbreak situation in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It can be seen 
that the area of highest of AAFI is mainly at the Western 
Coast region (74096). The area of AAFI beyond 30% was 
also located in Meiliang Bay and Southern Coast. In brief, 
the area of higher frequency of booming focused on the 
north and west of Taihu Lake. Conversely, it is very low in 
the Gonghu Bay and extensive Central Lake. The booming 
frequency decreased from the north and west to the East and 
South of Taihu Lake, even if, in closer to the aquatic 
vegetation area there are many blank area that has no 
booming frequency in 2009. In 2010, the area of AAFI 
beyond 40% is narrower than that in 2009, but the area of 
AAFI beyond 30% or 20% is larger than that in 2009. The 
highest of AAFI has moved from Western Coast region to 
the border regions between the Western Coast and Central 
Lake. It's worth noting that, in 2010, in the Central Lake; 
area of AAFI beyond 20% is a common phenomenon but 
rarely appears in 2009. These characteristics show that the 
degree of booming is more serious than that in 2009. There 
is a general trend that the outburst of booming is frequent in 
the east part of Taihu Lake. From the picture of AAFI in 
2011, it looks like that degree of bloom frequency is 
significantly reduced compared with 2010. The area of 
highest of AAFI is mainly at the Western Coast region, 
which is as similar as the condition in 2009. It is obvious to 
the trend of contraction from the Central Lake to the north 
and west. 
The figure 2(d, e and f) shows the annual algae bloom 
duration in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The spatial distribution of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
sustainability index was inconsistent with that of bloom 
frequency index in these three years. There are rarely areas 
that the duration of booming is beyond 200 days in 2009. 
Such area is mainly located in Meiliang Bay. The regions 
having the greater duration are the Western Coast, Meiliang 
Bay and Southern Coast in which the blooming duration is 
general more than 150 days. The blooming duration in 
Central Lake is mostly less than 100 days. In 2010, there are 
few regions that have the duration more than 200 days, 
which located in Western Coast and Meiliang Bay. The 
regions having the greater duration are border regions 
between the Western Coast and Central Lake in which the 
blooming duration is general more than 150 days and the 
distribution area is smaller than that in 2009. The blooming 
duration in Central Lake which is about 100-150 days is 
much higher than that in 2009. Note that spatial distribution 
of the blooming duration is stranger than the situation in 
2009 and 2010. It is not like the duration that showed the 
tendency of increasing from the East and South to the north 
and west of Taihu Lake, but the messy distribution. The 
regions having the greater duration are border regions among 
the Central Lake, Meiliang Bay, and Gongshan Bay in which 
the blooming duration is general more than 350 days and 
significantly higher than maximum value of blooming 
duration in 2009 and 2010. The spatial distribution area of 
the other time slice of blooming duration is much smaller 
than that in 2009 and 2010. 
3.2 The Initial Blooming Date and End Blooming Date 
The figure 2 (from g to 1) shows the annual initial blooming 
date and end blooming date situation in 2009, 2010, and 
2011. It can be seen that the area of the lowest value of IBD 
(111th days) is located in Western Coast region in 
2009(figure 2 g). It is a general trend that the date of initial 
blooming is lower and lower from the north and west to the 
Central Lake. The latest end blooming date is about 280th 
days in 2009 and the area is located in the border between 
the Gongshan Bay and Central Lake, in which the bloom 
duration is very short(figure 2 h). In 2010, the area of the 
lowest value of IBD (120th days) is also located in Western 
Coast region in 2010(figure 2 i) and just closer to the Central 
Lake. The initial time of the southern coast had been put off. 
The latest initial blooming date is about 230th days in 2010 
and the area is located in southeast part of the Central Lake. 
The latest end blooming date went to the 350th days and that 
spatial distribution is wide. The area with earlier end 
blooming date is the small part of Zhushan Bay and 
Gongshan Bay. In 2011, the area of the lowest value of IBD 
(8th days) is also located in the border between the 
Gongshan Bay and Central Lake and the date is obvious 
earlier than that in others subregions in Taihu Lake. The 
annual initial blooming date (about 120th days) in Western 
Coast is as similar as the date in 2010 and 2009. The latest 
end blooming date went to the 350th days and that spatial 
area is Gongshan Bay and Central Lake. Combined with the 
sustainability index (Figure 2 1), it shows that the blooming 
appeared in January, 2011 and December, 2011. 
3.3 Intermonth Variation 
Here, it is necessary to discuss the overall trend of booming 
in the 2009-2011, Taihu Lake. Because the visible-infrared

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