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technology of extracting information in this paper. The algae 
bloom frequency index (AFI) and algae bloom sustainability 
index (ASI) is important criterion which can show the 
interannual and inter-monthly variation in the whole area or 
the subregion of Taihu Lake. Utilizing the AFI and ASI from 
2009 to 2011; it found some phenomena that: 1) the severity 
of booming generally decreased from the north and west to 
the East and South of Taihu Lake. 2) There are the annual 
periodical changing rules of cyanobacterial blooms. The 
circle this cycle includes four stages, that is operation of low 
level, rising phase, high shock and fall period. 3) The 
phenomenon that “beyond a year” in blooming circle 
appears in 2010 and 2011 which could indicate the change of 
external environment. 
We are grateful for the financial support provided by 
International Institute for Earth System Science, Nanjing 
University, and NASA for providing the MODIS surface 
reflectance daily level 2 products, and Nanjing Institute of 
Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for 
providing the blooming monitoring data in Taihu Lake from 
2009 to 2011. 
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