Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

Training Data Complete Image 
Overall Overall 
Accuracy Kappa Accuracy Kappa 
83 0.65 83 0.67 
Table 1. Summary of the accuracy achieved for the forest/non- 
forest classification 
Features in the spectral importance curve include a sharp peak 
at 1720nm, which sits between two broad liquid water 
absorption bands. This wavelength region is known to be 
sensitive to absorption by cellulose and lignin content (Fourty 
et al., 1996; Gao and Goetz, 1995). Secondary peaks appear in 
the visible green at 539nm and on the red edge at 701nm. There 
is also a smaller peak at 640nm in the strongly chlorophyll 
absorbing red wavelength region. 
500 1000 
1500 2000 
Wavelength (nm) 
Figure 1. Variable importance (solid line) for the Random 
Forests classification model and a Eucalyptus leaf reflectance 
spectrum measured in the laboratory (dashed line). 
The accuracy of forest and non-forest classification achieved 
here was comparable with those reported in previous studies 
using Random Forests for the classification of vegetation using 
hyperspectral imagery (Chan and Paelinckx, 2008; Sluiter and 
Pebesma, 2010). Variable importance highlighted spectrally 
broad features that have previously been associated with 
biochemical absorption. For example, the importance feature at 
1720nm, which is thought to be associated with cellulose and 
lignin absorption is the dominant feature. Since the image was 
collected just after the summer season, this importance may be 
due to the presence of dead material within non-forest 
(grassland and pasture) areas of the image. 
While importance measures are an interesting diagnostic which 
may help us to understand the key biophysical characteristics of 
forests that allow their discrimination within a satellite image 
scene, they also allow the investigation of appropriate broad 
band data types for operational monitoring of forests as an 
ongoing exercise. This is a key focus for our further research in 
this area. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
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