Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

—- d 
the land cover classification accuracy. The results of land cover 
classification of the PCA cases are shown in Figures 5, cases j 
and k. 
The overall accuracy calculated based on the 1000 ground truth 
points for all the cases is listed in Table 1. The results obtained 
show that the overall accuracy by using the intensity and the 
DSM data individually are less than 45%, (Table 1, case a, and 
b). Combining both the intensity and the DSM data improves 
the results to 55% (Table 1, case d). Using the normal height 
band individually does not improve the accuracy. This is 
because of the similarity between the heights of the trees and 
the buildings, as well as due to the similarity in heights between 
the roads and the grass. Nevertheless, combining the normal 
heights data with the intensity data has a significant 
improvement in the overall accuracy of the classification results. 
An overall accuracy of about 70% can be achieved as it is seen 
in Table 1 (case e). It is also observed that the overall accuracy 
of the classification results is increased by combining the 
texture of the intensity data to the intensity and elevation data, 
(cases f and g using intensity texture comparing to cases dande 
without using texture, respectively). Yet, combining the slope of 
the elevation data with the intensity, the elevation, and the 
texture data does not improve the overall classification 
accuracy. For the principle component analysis the accuracy of 
results comparable to the classification results combined 
images. Further work are planned to investigate more bands 
created from the LiDAR data. 
Table 1: Accuracy assessments of the land cover classification 
Case | Band Combination Areal 
a Intensity 43.7% 
b DSM 43.1% 
e NH 52.5% 
d Intensity, DSM 55.1% 
e Intensity, NH 72.2% 
f Intensity DSM, Texture 57.9% 
g Intensity NH, Texture 77.2% 
h Intensity, DSM, Texture, Slope 59.8% 
i Intensity NH, Texture, Slope 73.3% 
j PCA of (Intensity, DSM, Texture, DSM Slope) 62.6% 
k PCA of (Intensity, NH, Texture, NH Slope) 70.9% 
This research work examines the use of the LiDAR data only 
(range and intensity data) for Land-Cover information 
extraction. Different image bands (Intensity, DSM, Normal 
Height, Intensity Texture, DSM Slope, and Normal Height 
Slope) are created from the LiDAR points recorded by Leica 
ALS50 sensor. In addition, components of the principle 
component analysis are generated to be used for the land cover 
classification process. LiDAR dataset covering an area of the 
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is classified 
using the Maximum likelihood classifier, and around 1000 
ground truth points were used for the accuracy assessment. 
From the results obtained, it is observed that using the LiDAR 
original data (range and intensity) individually in the 
classification process introduce an overall accuracy of less than 
45%. However, using both the range and the intensity data 
improves the results accuracy by approximately 10%. Adding 
auxiliary data, such as Texture of the intensity data and surfaces 
slope, slightly improves the accuracy of the land cover 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
classification. Using the normal heights as elevation data 
instead of the DSM, improves the accuracy of the classification 
results significantly, (from 55% to more than 72%). 
Components of the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) 
created from the LiDAR original and auxiliary data can also be 
used. Similar overall accuracy to the results achieved by using 
the original and the auxiliary data can be achieved (about 70%). 
Further research work is underway to further investigate the 
PCA using more bands extracted from the LiDAR and other 
sensor data to improve the classification accuracy. 
This research work is supported by the Discovery Grant from 
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of 
Canada (NSERC) and the GEOIDE Canadian Network of 
Excellence, Strategic Investment Initiative (SIT) project SII P- 
IV # 72. The authors would like to thank McElhanney 
Consulting Services Ltd, BC, Canada for providing the real 
LiDAR and image datasets to the GEOIDE project. 
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