Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

For other cases a grid search algorithm with multi-fold cross- 
validation was used. 
GA techniques 
The concept of the GA method is based on the natural selection 
process, which has its roots in biological evolution. At the 
beginning the set of features are generated randomly as a 
population. In next stages, the individuals are selected as 
‘parents’ at random from the current population, and produce 
‘children’ for the next generation. The GA gradually modifies 
the population toward an optimal solution based on the fitness 
function and operations such as selection, crossover and 
mutation. The application of GA model involves designing of 
the chromosomes, the fitness function and architecture of the 
system. The chromosome is usually an array of bits which 
represents the individuals in the population. An objectives 
function play important role in the GA method, it is designed 
and utilized to evaluate the qualities of candidate subsets. 
In this paper, we proposed a fitness function which made uses 
of classification accuracy, number of selected features and 
average correlation within selected features. 
Fitness = Won X100 ur S Cor (2) 
where OA = overall classification accuracy (90) 
Woa = weight for the classification accuracy, 
We = weight for the number of selected features 
Ns = number of selected features 
N = the total number of input features. 
Cor = average correlation coefficients of selected bands 
The values of Wo4 and Wg were set within 0.65-0.8 and 0.2- 
0.35, respectively. The other parameters for the GÀ were: 
Population size = 20-40; Number of generations = 200; 
Crossover rate: 0.8; Elite count: 3-6; Mutation rate: 0.05. 
Firstly, the GA was implemented for each combined datasets 
using the SVMs, ANN and SOM classifiers. These processes 
will give the classification results of each classifier with 
corresponding optimal datasets and parameters. After that the 
classification results were combined using Dempster —Shafer 
theory. The commonly used Majority Voting (MV) algorithm 
was also implemented for comparison. 
Six land cover classes, namely Native Forest (NF), Natural 
Pastures (NP), Sown Pastures (SP), Urban Areas (UB), Rural 
Residential (RU) and Water Surfaces (WS) were identified for 
The data used for training and validation were derived from 
visual interpretation and old land use map with the help of 
Google Earth images. The training and test data were selected 
randomly and independently. 
The overall classification accuracy for the SVM, ANN and 
SOM classifier over different datasets using feature selection 
and non-feature selection approach is summarised in the table 3. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Overall classification accuracy (%) 
Datasets Non-FS FS-GA 
1 59.26 [59.39 [56.06 159.94 |61.15 |57.41 
2 79.01 [75.49 [79.97 |81.06 |80.19 |80.37 
3 81.47 |80.99 |80.03 [82.37 |81.28 |80.74 
4 82.78 |81.70 |78.84 [85.22 |82.77 |81.54 
Table 3. Comparison of classification performance 
between FS-GA and non-FS approach. 
The classification results illustrated the efficiencies of the 
synergistic uses of multi-date optical and SAR images. Both 
non-FS and FS with GA (FS-GA) methods gave significant 
increase in classification accuracy while the combined datasets 
(3 and 4™) were applied. 
As for the non-FS approach the combined multi-date Landsat 5 
TM+ and SAR data increase overall accuracy by 2.46% and 
22.1% for SVM, 5.5% and 21.6% for ANN and 0.06% and 
23.97% for SOM compared to the cases that only multi-date 
Landsat 5 TM+ or SAR images was used. These improvements 
were even more significant while the FS method were applied. 
Textural information and NDVI are valuable data for land cover 
classification. In most of cases, the integration of these data 
enhances classification results noticeably. For instances, with 
the FS-GA approach, the classification of a combination of 
original optical and SAR images with their textural and NDVI 
data (4? dataset) gave increases of overall accuracy by 2.85%, 
1.49% and 0.80% for SVM, ANN and SOM classifiers, 
It is clearly that, the FS-GA approach performed better than the 
traditional non-FS approach. For all of datasets and classifiers 
that have been evaluated, the FS-GA approach gave significant 
improvements in the classification accuracy. The increases of 
overall classification accuracy ranging from 0.29% (ANN 
classifier with the 3™ dataset) to 2.70% (SOM classifier with the 
4™ dataset). The highest accuracy of 85.22% was achieved by 
the integration of FS methods with SVM classifier for the 4% 
dataset. It is worth mentioning that the FS-GA approach used 
much less input features than the traditional method. For 
instances, in a case of the SVM classifier and the 4'^ dataset 
only 68 out of 173 features were selected. As was mentioned 
early in this paper, the increase of data volume does not 
necessary increase the classification accuracy. In a non-FS 
method, the accuracy of classification using SOM algorithm for 
the 4" dataset was actually reduced by 1.19% compared to the 
case of 3" dataset. However, this problem does not happen 
while applying the FS-GA technique. In this case, the accuracy 
of SOM algorithm slightly increased by 0.80%. 
The Figure 4 below showed the results of classification using 
the FS-GA techniques with the SVM classifier which gave the 
best accuracy among single classifier for the 4" dataset.

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