Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

2.1 Basic principle of Random Forests 
The Random Forests classifier developed by Breiman (2001) is 
a combination of decision trees (DT(x,®, U , where x is an 
input vector, and ©, denotes a random vector which is sampled 
independently but with the same distribution as the past 
Op 9; 
training data, and then an no pruned classification and 
regression tree (CART) is grew from each bootstrap sample ß 
where only one of M randomly selected features is chosen for 
the split at each node of CART. The chosen feature is the one 
that minimizes the Gini impurity which can be written as 
(Breiman et al., 1984): 
Gini(B) - P (/(C.B)/p)(7(c,.B)/]l) ^ 
where f (C op) / I| is the probability that the randomly selected 
T bootstrap samples are first drawn from the 
pixel belongs to class C,. Finally, the output of the classifier is 
determined by a majority vote of all individually trained trees. 
There are two parameters: the number of variables (M) in the 
random subset at each node and the number of trees (7) in the 
forest. The selection of parameter M has influence on the final 
error rate. If M is increased, both the correlation between the 
trees and the strength (classification accuracy) of individual tree 
in the forest are increased. The error rate is proportional to the 
correlation, but inverse proportional to the strength (Joelsson et 
al., 2008). Usually, M is set to the square root of number of 
features (Gislason et al., 2006). Because Random Forests is fast 
and not overfit, the number of trees T can be as many as 
possible. However, due to the memory limit of the machine, T is 
usually several hundred (Horning, 2010), here is set to 100. The 
Random Forests also provides two additional measures: the 
variable importance and internal structure. Variable importance 
measures the importance of the predictor variables (features). To 
estimate a feature importance, the OOB samples are first run 
through the trees and count the votes for the correct 
classification. Then, the prediction accuracy is repeatedly 
obtained after randomly permuting all the values of this feature 
while all the other features stay the same. The importance score 
is the decrease of the correct class votes after the variable 
permutation, averaged over all the trees. The intuition is that a 
random variable permutation can simulates the absence of that 
variable from the forest (Guo et al., 2011). Thus the higher an 
average accuracy decrease is, the more important that feature is. 
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Figure 1. Study area of Mannheim, Germany 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
2.2 Study Area and Datasets 
Laser scanning data covering Mannheim, Germany, were 
acquired in 2004 by a Falcon II sensor- a Fiber based system 
concept, TopoSys® GmbH. The airplane flew at an average 
height of 1,200 m above the mean sea level, with a camera on 
board for the 0.5m-resolution aerial photographs with RGB 
bands. The average point density and point spacing within the 
test site is about 4 points/m2 and 0.5 m, respectively. The lidar 
dataset records both range (first- and last- returns) and intensity 
information of the laser pulse. In this research Lidar data is 
considered in 2D geometry with optical image data. The 
experimental area is a typical urban region that contains 
variously sized buildings with different orientations, as well as 
trees and grass interspersed among buildings. Meanwhile, the 
study area and its vicinity are relative flat, with elevations 
ranging from approximately 89.83 m to 159.71 m. 
2.3 Training sample and reference data 
The training samples are chosen using the photo-interpretation 
method in the commercial software ENVIG. Table 1 lists the 
number of training samples. As a proportion of the full image to 
be analysed the number of training samples would represent less 
than 1% to 5%. For accuracy assessment, an adequate number 
of testing data is required per class of interest. Congalton and 
Green (2009) pointed out that it is necessary to have sufficient 
testing data for building a valid statistically error matrix to 
represent classification accuracy. Thus, the sample size N was 
determined by Equation (2) for the binomial probability theory: 
> Z'p(100- p) 
N z 
Where p is the expected percent accuracy, E is the allowable 
error, and Z = 1.96 from the standard normal deviant for the 95% 
two-sided confidence level. An expected accuracy of 9596 was 
selected because the land-use classification system specifies that 
each class category should be mapped to at least 8596 accuracy, 
and then the allowable error of 5% is chosen. For this study area, 
the sample size (N) of 996 meets the demand of Congalton and 
Green’s (2009) rule-of-thumb of a minimum of 50 samples per 
Categories Training samples | Test data 
ROI Pixels ROI | Pixels 
Buildings 103 927 50 569 
High vegetation | 36 524 26 421 
Ground 60 934 44 685 
Grass 12 172 10 98 
Table 1. The training samples and test data. 
2.4 Features 
There are several groups of features, including lidar height- 
based, lidar intensity-based features, and RGB aerial image- 
based features. They are listed as follows. Relevant features are 
shown in Figures 2(a), (b) and (c). 

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