Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

number of anomalous pixels both actual and detected, the wrong 
detections and the number of not detected anomalous pixels. 
The number of the detected areas after filtering is wrong in the 
first case, due to misregistration. The number of pixels detected 
in the test 3 is almost correct, but the contemporary detection in 
both illuminated and shadowed zones is not performed 
A semiautomatic method for anomalous change detection has 
been described. The method uses the grouping of the image 
difference values, to detect both small and diffused changes. 
Three tests has been realized to evaluate the performances of the 
method. The results show that the better performances are 
obtained in case of cloudy days, while the contemporary 
presence of lighted and shadowed zones makes impossible an 
automatic detection. 
The foreseen development of the research will regard the 
isolation of single areas and the use of the procedure for images 
with noises due to, e.g., rain or fog. 
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