Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

Figure 3. Comparison of chla concentration estimated from 
different scales on September 4^. 2011 (summer). (a)Chla 
concentration estimated from HJ-1 CCD (b) Chla concentration 
estimated from MODIS 250m (c) Chla concentration estimated 
from MODIS 500m 
[273 sand 
CU Fall Bewakary 
wtp Lo 
se. 20 CU AO as 
26-40 Ad. oo HEE 149. pel 
46.69 HEE 100.120 SEE ee 
Figure 4. Comparison of chla concentration estimated from 
different scales on October 31%, 2010 (autumn). (a)Chla 
concentration estimated from HJ-1 CCD (b) Chla concentration 
estimated from MODIS 250m (c) Chla concentration estimated 
from MODIS 500m 
From the results above, the spatial distribution of chla 
concentration had different trends in different seasons. Chla 
concentration is regional and seasonal. Because the upstream 
rivers of Lake Taihu in Jiangsu section are mainly in Meiliang 
Bay, Zhushan Bay, and west coast, and in Zhejiang section are 
mainly concentrated in the south coast of Lake Taihu. Water in 
Meiliang Bay and Zhushan Bay is relatively static. By the wind 
effect, cyanobacteria will accumulate in these areas (Xia et al., 
2011; Sha et al., 2009). In recent years, the TN, TP of central 
lake region increased gradually to achieve the optimal growth 
conditions for cyanobacteria. This region was more suitable for 
the growth of cyanobacteria than the previous (Zhu, 2008). 
Therefore, in summer when cyanobacteria blooms were grew 
and in autumn when blooms were floating gathered, chla 
concentration was high in these regions. In addition, because of 
MODIS low spatial resolution, mixing phenomena of 
cyanobacteria and water, early warning detection accuracy 
cyanobacteria blooms was reducd. 
4.2 Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity 
Method of field quadrats laid not only lack of sampling points 
and time-consuming, but also difficult to control the sampling 
time difference within a certain range (Xia et al., 2011). Thus, 
this article selected sample points from the inversion chla 
concentration image to study the spatial heterogeneity. 3km x 
3km of quadrats were selected in Meiliang Bay and Central 
Lake (measured data mainly in these two regions). The pixel 
values in the quadrat were seen as sample points which were 
normal distribution after logarithmic transformation (excluding 
outliers) . Then semi-variance values were respectively fitted to 
obtain parameters, such as Table 1., Table 2., Table 3. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Scale v0 yO+y a(m) = y/(y0+y) 
30m | 134E-02 9.90E-02 2563 0.865 
Mei 250m | 8.00E-04  6.80E-02 3995 0.988 
500m | 1.20E-04 241E-02 5110 0.995 
30m | 1.14E-01 4.68E-01 4328 0.756 
e. 250m | 1.34E-03 7.10E-03 4026 0.811 
500m | 2.90E-04  1.69E-02 4097 0.983 
Table 1. Parameters of semi-variance in spring 
Scale v0 yO+y a(m)  y/(y0+y) 
30m 1.58E-03  9.76E-03 1548 0.838 
Mei 250m | 1.80E-04  1.20E-02 1230 0.985 
500m | 3.30E-03  5.01E-02 4518 0.934 
30m | 7.80E-03 3.30E-02 4387 0.764 
Cor 250m | 4.40E-03  2.08E-01 2722 0.979 
500m | 9.50E-03  5.00E-02 4705 0.810 
Table 2. Parameters of semi-variance in summer 
Scale v0 vO0+y a(m)  y/(y0+y) 
30m | 5.20E-03 022 3213 0976 
Mei 250m | 2.80E-03 021. 3/2568 1 0987 
500m | 1.00E-04 0.19 4728 0.999 
30m | 3.30E-02 121 2495 0973 
ce 250m | 8.00E-03 1285 1880. 0.994 
500m | 1.00E-03 1.04 5110 0.999 
Table 3. Parameters of semi-variance in autumn 
It can be seen from the table that the ratio of nugget and still (1- 
y / (yO + v)) were used to represent the spatial autocorrelation 
level of regional random variables. The value less than 25% 
indicated that the variable had a strong spatial correlation (Xia 
et al., 2011). From the table, y0 / (yO + y) of chla concentration 
was small in different resolutions, indicating that spatial 
heterogeneity of chla concentration was mainly caused by the 
structural factors, random factors played a secondary role. Chla 
concentration showed similar structural in different scales of the 
same season. In addition, the range of nugget and still changed 
strongly in different seasons, indicating that there were different 
structural of chla concentration in different seasons. 
4.3 Spatial Scale Error in Different Seasons 
In this paper different resolution remote sensing images were 
used to study the differences of spatial scale. In order to reduce 
error from parameters of different satellites, transit time and 
other uncertainties factors, MODIS 250m, 500m images were 
used to carry out scale error analysis. According to the formula 
(5), combined with estimation formula (MODIS 250m of the 
formula) of chla concentration, scale errors were calculated, 
which caused by chla concentration inversion of coarse 
resolution in different seasons. 

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