Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
issue with these models, however, is the complexity and the risk 
of compromise in accuracy if good quality data for all the impor- 
tant parameters in the model are not available. To overcome this 
issue, an assessment of the relationship between the near surface 
SM and LST can help to understand the complexity of these two 
parameters over various LC types in a particular region. Such a 
relationship can be helpful for approximation of one parameter 
(SM or LST) with the availability of the other. 
This paper is aimed to analyse the correlation between LST using 
MODIS product with the measured near-surface SM based on 
geostatistical methods. Daily rainfall data is used to detect the 
interfering effects of a sudden rainfall on the surface SM, and to 
discover the time-scale for the best correlation with LST. 
2.1 Data 
Two distinct datasets, one from the remotely sensed MODIS LST 
and the second from the in-situ SM measurements provide the 
inputs for this analysis. The LST product is a scientific dataset 
derived from MODIS moming and afternoon thermal observa- 
tions on-board Terra and Aqua satellites. Since the observations 
in thermal bands of the sensor are also available at night, the prod- 
uct contain night-time values for evening and midnight, which are 
collected upon the overpasses of Terra and Aqua satellites on the 
night side of the planet. The product is derived from bands 31 & 
32 (spectral range 10.78-11.28 uum & 11.77-12.27 um range, re- 
spectively). Theoretical background and technical details of the 
algorithms and procedure for the extraction of LST from MODIS 
thermal bands is available in the literature (Wan and Dozier, 1996, 
Wan, 1999, Wan et al.. 2004, Wan, 2008). The dataset is available 
in hierarchical data format (HDF) and can be accessed online via 
Reverb tool. 
The in-situ near-surface (<5 cm depth) SM data used in this 
paper have been collected in five sites with various land-cover 
types. These data have been recorded using MadgeTech® digital 
soil volumetric moisture data loggers known as SMR1 108, Fre- 
quency rate of the logged data had been set to every 30 minute. 
These measurements have been collected from 1st October 2011 
till 7th January 2012, however, for consistency with the other 
datasets only Nov. and Dec. data are used in the analysis. 
2.2 Study Area 
The study area is located in Canterbury Plains in South Island 
of New Zealand (Fig. 1), at approximate geographic coordinates 
43.54 S and 172.31 E in the central point. The in-situ sites were 
selected in the area for the measurement of the near-surface SM. 
Criteria for selection of the measurement sites included the area 
percentage of the dominant LC types, accessibility of the site and 
finally, a minimum of 1x1 km homogeneous extent of the dom- 
inant LC type in the area so that at least one pixel from that LC 
type to be distinguished in the LST satellite dataset. 
3.1 Empirical relationship between near-surface SM and LST 
The principle assumption in derivation of SM from LST data in 
physical models used in thermal remote sensing of SM, such as 
SEBAL, is partitioning of surface energy to latent and sensible 
heat fluxes (Eq. 1 and 2), and to relate the latent heat to the 
amount of moisture content in the near-surface layer. LST from 
0 5 10 15 
m— — M 
Kilom eters 
(OQ SMmeasurement point 
Study Area 
Soll moisture 
measurement sites 
Canterbury Plains 
New Zealand 
Figure 1: In-situ soil moisture measurement points overlaid on 
Landsat image (TM5, 28 March 2011) 
the thermal remote sensing observations is accounted for the sen- 
sible heat part of the energy balance in these models. However, 
time-lag between the maximum LST on the surface and the max- 
imum solar insolation (Wang and Qu. 2009) can also be related 
to the amount of surface SM which contribute to the escaping of 
heat from the surface via latent heat. Without allocation of the 
heat energy to the Qg by the near-surface SM, the two maxima 
(maximum solar insolation and maximum LST) would coincide 
or be closer in time. To assess this hypothesis, statistical analy- 
sis of the relationship between the measured surface SM and the 
remotely sensed LST is implemented in this paper. 
Q'-—Qc-cr-Qrg-- Qn (1) 
where Q* is the net radiation, Qc is the ground or storage heat 
flux, QE is the turbulent latent heat flux, and Q g is the convec- 
tive sensible heat flux (Rigo and Parlow, 2005, Rigo and Parlow, 
2007). Based on Eq. 1, QE can be calculated as: 
Qe=Q" — Qc — Qu (2) 
3.2 Land-cover analysis 
To identify dominant land-cover classes in the study area, un- 
supervised classification method has been used. Iterative clas- 
sification process was carried out using a Landsat TM-5 image 
acquired on 28 March 2011 over the study area. Eight dominant 
LC classes were extracted in the region. With the order of high- 
est to the lowest percentage these classes included grass, water, 
irrigated crop/grass, bush, baresoil/fallow, water, fallow/exposed 
soil, and forest. The in-situ sites were chosen only on five LC 
classes due to the issues in finding suitable sites for some of the 
LC types (Table !). 
3.3 Construction of LST Time-series 
Inside LST scientific datasets (SDSs) derived from MODIS-Terra 
and MODIS-Aqua, data for each day or night are stored in sepa- 
rate data fields. To extract correlations between the in-situ SM 
data and LST from MODIS, time-series of LST product were 
constructed. Regarding the number of datasets involved in the 
analysis, reading day and night values for every day during the 
analysis period was a cumbersome task, therefore, Matlab® codes 
were written for reading and construction of time-series from

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