Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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and the DSM values for position (i, j) in the first and the second 
epoch, respectively. We call the result a Difference-DSM or D- 
DSM and created a binary map by keeping only heights with 
absolute values larger than 2.5m. 
represent the height change 
Moreover, DEMs were generated for each epoch by filtering the 
DSMs according to (Niemeyer et al 2010), and normalised 
digital surface models (nDSM) were computed as the point-by- 
point difference between DSM and DEM. Only heights above a 
threshold (we also used 2.5m here) were considered as building 
blobs in the nDSM, in this way accumulation of matching errors 
in the D-DSM is reduced. For epoch 1 these blobs were 
additionally compared to the existing GIS building layer and 
where kept only, if they covered at least 75% of a GIS building 
Ideally, positive and negative change values in the D-DSM 
indicate construction and demolition of buildings. The used 
threshold of 2.5m corresponds to the floor height of buildings. 
This threshold eliminates non-building changes caused by cars, 
low shrubs as well as other small changes not corresponding to 
buildings and reduces the information to potential building 
changes. However, height changes may also be caused by 
dumps, land excavation or different filling heights of petrol 
tanks. In addition vegetation and in particular trees normally 
pose problems when just subtracting height values, although in 
Saudi Arabia, this issue did not prevail. 
It becomes clear when comparing Figures 2 (c) and (d), that 
although applying the shift results in a major improvement, 
even after proper georeferencing areas around the buildings 
show apparent height differences above the chosen threshold. 
This is mainly due to well-known image matching artefacts 
stemming from occluded areas and different shadows due to 
differences in view and illumination direction: the DSM is 
widened with respect to the actual building in shadow and 
occluded areas (e.g. Alobeid et al., 2010; Le Bris and Chehata, 
2011, see also Figure 3). 
Figure 3. (a) Sample DSM of image matching, (b) 
corresponding image with cross section line, (c) schematic cross 
section from the side (red: DSM, black: original object) 
Therefore, the 3D change map has to be refined appropriately. 
Shape and size information can play an important role, as does 
the normalised difference vegetation index which is known to 
be able to separate vegetated from sealed areas. Additional 
challenges due to occlusions of buildings by trees have to be 
dealt with separately. 
Most of the false change alarms have an elongated shape; 
however some of them are small blobs like salt-and-pepper 
noise. In order to improve the results we use morphological 
filtering. The filter mask is chosen based on the usual minimum 
size and width of a building, we chose a size of 50m? and a 
width of 4m. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 4 shows a diagram of the method for 3D building change 
(Epoch 2) 
Refinement by 
Height, Shape 
and Size Info 
UOIBULIOJU] AIRI[IXNY 3uis() juoureuro» 
3D Building 
Change Detection 
Figure 4. Diagram of 3D building change detection 
4.1 Binary D-DSM 
In this section we present first preliminary results of the 
described method using the test data from Saudi Arabia. The 
area has a size of 550 meters on each side (0.30 Sq. Km). 
Figure 5. D-DSM of the whole area as a binary map after 
applying a height threshold of 2.5m

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