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Absolute Height Differences
As mentioned above, the primary objective is to identify new
building construction. For this, we are really only interested in
the height difference values which are greater than zero.
Consequently, the right-hand branch at the bottom of the model
takes only the positive height difference values.
The branch on the left takes the values less than zero and
calculates their absolute value. This is done so that when
looking for the probability of buildings being demolished we
still have positive values (ie. a positive value of height
So far, the values being calculated represent the actual
difference in height. For the next stage of the analysis, we are
only interested in the probability of change, so the greater the
height difference, the higher the probability that change has
truly occurred. The final calculation stretches the differences in
heights so that they range from 0 to 1.
Probability of Height Difference
The two output raster objects represent the probability of height
decrease (lower left) and the probability of height increase
(lower right).
1.3 Object-based Image Analysis using IMAGINE
IMAGINE Objective provides tools for feature extraction and
update and change detection, enabling geospatial data layers to
be created and maintained using remotely sensed imagery.
IMAGINE Objective combines inferential learning with expert
knowledge in a true object-oriented feature extraction
The 16-bit “after” point cloud will be segmented in the Raster
Object Creator node to create objects. The Raster Object
Creator has been set as the start point of the analysis thereby
skipping the Raster Pixel Process (RPP). Normally, a per-object
probability would initially be calculated by the RPP. However,
here we already have our “probability” values from the
graphical model.
So, instead of running a RPP, we have selected the
Segmentation node, changed to the I/O (Input / Output) tab and
specified the input raster layer as being the Probability of
Height Increase layer. This is not the layer which will be
segmented (the 16-bit “after” point cloud will be segmented to
produce spatial objects) — this layer is instead used to determine
the initial probability value that will be associated with each
Remember that the “after” point cloud was stretched to a full
16-bit data range. So, the properties for the segmentation
process need to be correspondingly large / loose. The Minimum
Value Difference was set to 100 and, in the Advanced Settings,
the Edge Detection Threshold was set to 50.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Figure 4. Segmentation results. Note that each segment is
attributed with a pixel probability derived from the Probability
of Height Increase layer.
Raster-Object Operators
An initial Probability Filter is applied to the segments to
remove any segment with a probability of representing
significant height increase less than 0.1:
A Clump Size filter is then applied to remove any groups of
segments which are smaller than 50 square meters, the smallest
building that would be of interest:
Remaining segments are then reclumped if contiguous.
Raster to Vector Conversion
The IMAGINE Objective software then converts the raster
clumps to vector polygons so that they can be further analysed
using object-based cue metrics such as area:
Vector-Object Operators
To assist in analysing the shapes of the remaining objects they
are first processed using an outlier clipper (set to a mild 0.1) to
remove any erroneous spikes:
Polygons are then smoothed to remove the stair-step effects of
converting pixel-based clumps to vector polygons using a mild
0.1 smoothing factor:
Finally, Generalize is applied at 0.4 meter thinning tolerance to
ameliorate the stair-stepping effects:
Vector-Object Processor
At this stage we have numerous polygons remaining which
represent objects with a high degree of a positive height change.
Since we are interested in identifying new building construction
these objects will then be measured for characteristics which
would be found in buildings and which will therefore help
distinguish new buildings from other types of height difference.
The characteristics used include orthogonality and
rectangularity. We could also use other cues, such as area, since
buildings tend to have constrained area footprints. However, it
is best to use only orthogonality and rectangularity because the
valid ranges for the cue do not need to be specified by the user.