Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

3.5 Multispectral classifications 
A hybrid method has been used for multispectral classification. 
First, an unsupervised classification of the color composite 
SPOT HRV and IKONOS images has been realized (with 
ISODATA algorithm), where the selected 10 classes are 
defined. Several confusions occurred in some areas of the 
image: for example built areas and uncovered soil areas. In 
order to improve classes definition a vegetation map at 1:2,000 
scale, realized in 1993 has been used. After classes regrouping 
followed a hybrid supervised classification for 6 classes: streets 
and paths, parceled areas with buildings, lake surface, trees 
vegetation, grass vegetation and uncovered soil. The accuracy 
classification was estimated using the standard, single-data, 
qualitative accuracy assessment procedures for each image. 
Producer and user accuracy were calculated for each change 
class, along with the overall accuracy (error matrix and Kappa 
Index of Agreement analysis) (Congalton and Green, 1996). 
Global accuracy for the obtained classifications ranged between 
90.44% and 96.53%. Kappa coefficients ranged between 0.86 
and 0.93. 
Digital processing techniques in the Bucharest study area, 
during 1964-2007, highlight the following: 
e The available medium and high resolution satellite images 
allow a cinematic multisensor approach. The high 
resolution Corona image scanned with care, provides high 
levels of detail on ground features. In this case three- 
dimensional information can be extracted from the 
CORONA imagery using only a small number of GCPs. 
Corona and IKONOS images are important means for 
changes detection in urban and peri-urban areas. Also 
SPOT-HRV medium scale images ensure a satisfactory 
level of accuracy for monitoring changes detection in urban 
e In order to complete information for these images, 
historical aerial photographs at 1:5,000 scale, acquired in 
1994 (from the same date) have be used for correction of 
satellite images. Applied techniques (preliminary 
radiometric and geometric processing, data compression, 
contrast and edge enhancement, multispectral 
classification, post-classification processing) assured also 
the maximum accuracy in data processing (without altering 
the initial information) and in the results of interpretation; 
» Changes between the imagery were determined partially 
through visual interpretation, by elements such as location, 
size, shape, shadow, tone, texture and pattern (Corona 
image), partially by six classes hybrid supervised 
classification (SPOT HRV and IKONOS): streets and 
paths, parceled areas with buildings, lake surface, trees 
vegetation, grass vegetation and uncovered soil. Subsets of 
the images were generated within and near the city where 
changes were evident. Noticeable changes in land cover 
between the imagery were manually or automatically 
digitized and imported into a GIS, where changes could be 
visualized and analyzed. Other changes are presented in the 
form of thematic maps highlighting changes of urban 
development and ecological comfort parameters. The first 
25 years of the study period (1964-1989) are characterized 
by growth of industrial areas, high density apartment 
buildings residential areas and leisure green areas by 
demolition of houses or cultural heritage areas (22 hundred 
years old churches and other architectural monuments) - 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
see SPOT HRV and IKONOS images. The second period 
of 18 years (1989-2007) highlighted considerable growth 
of residential areas in the city neighborhood, 
simultaneously with diminish of green areas and massive 
deforestation in confiscated areas before 1989 by 
communist regime and returned to the original owners. 
The study demonstrates once again that remote sensing and 
photogrammetry deliver means of gathering useful information 
regarding present status and future urban trends. Continuous 
analysis of repetitively acquired data, in the same area allows 
urban and extra urban areas change detections, easing the 
process of finding proper solutions and revision of local politics 
in urban development in accordance with UE regulations. 
Blakely, E. J., Bradshaw T. K., 2002. Planning of local 
economic development: theory and practice. Third edition, New 
York: Sage Publications, Inc. 
Byram, B, Bayraktar, H, Helvaci, C, Acar, U, 2004. Coast line 
Change detection using Corona, SPOT and IRS 1D Images. The 
XX-th Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, 2004, Commission VII, WG 
VI1I/3,Proceedings Vol. VII, pp. 329-334, on CD. 
Congalton, R., and Green, K., 1999. Assessing the Accuracy of 
Remotely Sensed Data: Principle and Practice, CRC Press, 
Boca Raton, Florida. 
Essadiki, M., 2004. New Technique For Combining 
Panchromatic And Multispectral Spot Images For Multipurpose 
Image-Maps. The XX-th Congress of International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, 2004, 
Commission IV, WG IV/7, pp. 748-751, on CD. 
Jacobsen, K., 2008. Satellite Image Orientation. The XI-th 
Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Beijing, 2008, Commission I, WG 1/5, pp. 
703-708, on CD. 
Lillesand, T.; Kiefer, R., Chipman, J., 2003: Remote sensing 
and image interpretation (5th edition). New York: John Wiley 
and Sons. 
Schenk, T, Csathó, B., and Shin, S.W., 2003. Rigorous 
panoramic camera model for DISP imagery, Proceedings of the 
ISPRS Workshop "High resolution mapping from space", 
Hannover, Germany. 
Xiaojung Y., 2011. Urban Remote Sensing Monitoring, 
Synthesis and Modelling in the Urban Environment. John Wiley 
and Sons, 9600 Garsinton Road, Oxford, UK. 
http://www fas.org/spp/military/program/imint/corona. htm 
[2]KH-4CameraSystem http://www. fas.org/irp/imint/docs/kh- 
4 camera syatem.htm (25/01/2012) 

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