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tion 1,
tion 2,
jn. For
| 2 and
M-4,N-3 | M-4,14-3 | M-EN-2 | NIHLN-1 | M-4 HD | MIU NHE | NIHA,MT2 | MÁS. | Md td
M-2,N-4 una - - - am ae - M-3, PHA
M-2,N-4 ^ M-2,N-2 | M-2,N-1 | M-2,N40 | M-2,N*1 | M-2,8*2
M-1 N44 - M-1,N-2 PR - - M-1,H+2
MHO PS - M+0, 1-2 E BLM - WHE, HAZ
M+1,N-£ vos M+1,N-2 - - m Mel fa ve AH, ME
M+2.A+4 a MIE2,N-2 | INH2,PI-3 | M+2,N+0 | M+2,$H1 | M+2,M+2 wor M+2.N+4
M43, Hed pa - - - M+3,N+4
M+EN+4 | M+4,4-3 | M+4,N-2 | P44,N-1 | M+4,MH$ MHS N42 | MASS | MH, HH
Figure 2. Schematic Representation of Neighborhood pixels of
Pixel (M, N) for Iteration 2 and Iteration 4
At each iteration, the center pixel value in PALSAR is
compared with searching pixel value and when it meets, the
pixel that satisfy the condition as the below equation (3) (Hoan
and Tateishi, 2008) and it is outside of cloud/shadow area in
optical image, the searching is ended.
abs(DNi - DNj)) Xa (3)
a — Threshold value
DN: = Digital number of Center Pixel
DN; = Digital number of Searching Pixel
After getting the value in PALSAR, it finds the value in Optical
satellite data (e.g. ALOS AVNIR-2) at corresponding location
and replaces the cloud/shadow pixel.
3.2 Land Cover Classification
Considering that Pixel value as Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA)
radiance for a feature is more consistence compared to DN, the
processing such as NDVI estimation, LC classification has been
carried out employing this value, refer to Figure 3. LC
classification has been carried out using Decision tree
Classifiers followed by “Unsupervised classification
(Clustering)” to get finally 6 classes as per IPCC requirements;
Forest Land, Cropland, Grassland, Wetlands, Settlements, and
Other Land (Bickel et al., 2006) were finally achieved.
Moreover, while processing, the Forest Land was categorized
considering the canopy cover into two; Forest (Closed) and
Forest (Open). Also, Water body was initially extracted
separately than other Wetlands.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Optical Satellite /
Image. DN
Radiance Image
TOA Reflectance Image | | NDVI ]
| NDWVT of Non-
| Vegetation Area
Water body
Band 3
(% reflectance)
Un-supervised [ Other Non-vegetation Ares |
Classification ici wd
Clipping TOA Reflectance
image with this area,
Clustering, & recoding
| Vegetation B' Area
Vegetation A’ Ares
Clipping TOA Reflectance Clipping TOA Reflectance a
image with this area, image with this area, | and | ee } 0
Clustering, d recoding Clustering, & recoding 1 Eve | ressens) | Seulement D One s
Aere ep
3 Y Un-supervised
Land Use Classes: Land Use Classes: Classification
- Forest (Closed) - Forest (Closed) Clipping TOA Reflectance}
+ Forest (Open) - Forest (Open)
- Grassland (if present) || - Grassland
- Cropland (if present)
image with this area,
Clustering, & recoding
ar Ua Ÿ
ee tes
Figure 3. General Workflow of LC Classification
3.2.1 Conversion of DN to TOA Reflectance and
Estimation of NDVI: The conversion of DN to radiance and
then to TOA Reflectance was carried out using the equation
mentioned in “Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook-Data
Products”. And, for NDVI, its general equation was used.
i) Conversion of DN to Radiance: The general equation for
DN to Radiance is as follows:
LA = Grescale * QCAL + Brescale 4)
LA = Spectral Radiance at the sensor's aperture
Grescale = Rescaled gain
QCAL = Digital Number (DN)
Brescale = Rescaled bias
For Landsat, the above equation is also expressed as:
(Luax — Lviv)
a KT ee (OCA FOCAL am) Lus C?
QCAL max — QCAL mn
QCALy 7 Minimum quantized calibrated pixel value
OCAL yux = Maximum quantized calibrated pixel value
Luv = Spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMIN
Lmax = Spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMAX
The Lmax. Lmmn, QCALmm; and QCALmax information from
attached metadata file were used. During conversion, equation
(4) was applied to ALOS AVNIR-2 and equation (5) to Landsat
TM and Landsat ETM+.
ii) Conversion of Radiance to TOA Reflectance: Equation
(6) was used to convert radiance to TOA reflectance: