Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Herold, M., Goldstein, N.C., & Clarke, K.C., 2003. The spatio- 
temporal form of urban growth: measurement, analysis and 
modeling. Remote Sensing Environment, 86(3), pp. 286-302. 
Wilson, E.H., Hurd, J.D., Civco, D.L., Prisloe, M.P., & Arnold, 
C., 2003. Development of geospatial model to quantify, de- 
scribe and map urban growth. Remote Sensing Environment, 
86(3), pp. 275-285. 
Liu, X,, Li, X, Chen, Y., Qin, Y., Li, S, & Chen, M., 2009. 
Landscape expansion index and its applications to quantitative 
analysis of urban expansion. Acta Geographica Sinica, 64(12), 
pp. 1430-1437 
Luck, M., & Wu, J., 2002. A gradient analysis of urban land- 
scape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan re- 
gion, Arizona, USA. Landscape Ecology, 17(4), pp. 327-339. 
Seto, K.C., Woodcock, C.E., Song, C., Huang, X., Lu, J. & 
Kaufmann, R.K., 2002. Monitoring land-use change in the Pearl 
River Delta using Landsat TM. /nternational Journal of Remote 
Sensing, 23, pp. 1985-2004. 
Seto, K., & Fragkias, M., 2005. Quantifying spatiotemporal pat- 
terns of urban land-use change in four cities of China with time 
series landscape metrics. Landscape Ecology, 20(7), pp. 871- 
UN Millennium Project., 2005. A Home in the City. Task Force 
on Improving the Lives eof Slum Dwellers 
complete.pdf (accessed 1 Apr 2012). 
UNFPA., 2007. State of world population 2007: Unleashing the 
Potential of Urban Growth, United Nations Population Fund, 
Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director. 
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(accessed 1 Apr 2012). 
Xu, C., Liu, M., Zhang, C., An, S., Yu, W., & Chen, J., 2007. 
The spatiotemporal dynamics of rapid urban growth in the Nan- 
jing metropolitan region of China. Landscape Ecology, 22(6), | 
pp. 925-937. | 
The research is supported by the National Science Foundation 
of China (No. 41171326 and No. 40771198) and the Hunan 
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 

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