Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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Those facts can be corroborated by ICC index. From Table 2, 
there are some variations of ICC scores among different sample 
periods. ICC of 2010 is larger than that of the other sample 
periods. Although this, low score in general (0.485) means that 
snow depth measurements are not in agreement as for the whole 
sample space. 
Test period Slope (b) R square Sig. level 
2008 - 2010 0.76 0.79 0.05 
2008 0.63 0.78 0.05 
2009 0.81 0.79 0.05 
2010 0.93 0.87 0.05 
Table 1. Regression results based on pairs of snow depth 
measurements from two datasets from January to 
March at different periods 
Test period ICC score 
2008 - 2010 0.485 
2008 0.575 
2009 0.383 
2010 0.668 
Table 2. ICC scores in terms of average measures at different 
The impact of snow melting on the stability of snow depth 
detection is analyzed. To contrast snow depth measurements in 
January to March, result shows a better consistency in January 
than March (Figure 2). The regression results shown in Table 3 
can also indicate the same conclusion. Data from the two 
products sampled in January has a high correlation. 
Retrieved from GlobSnow SWE product 
T T : 
x 2553 em «5 
EESDCWestChina snow depth product GN mte 
(a) January 
Retwleved from GlobSnsw SWE product 
dibus etie Rt. 12. 
E E aie 
EESDCWestChina snow depth product api. vns 
(b) March 
Figure 2. Scatter plot of EESDCWestChina snow depth 
measurement against snow depth retrieved from 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
GlobSnow SWE product for snow falling (figure (a)) 
and snow melting (figure (b)) periods 
Test period Slope (b) R square Sig. level 
January 1.03 0.95 0.05 
March 0.38 0.52 0.05 
Table 3. Regression results based on the data in snow falling 
period (January) and snow melting period (March) 
Statistical techniques provide a quantitative means to assess the 
reliability of remote sensing based snow depth products. Scatter 
plot and simple linear regression model can give a general 
description of data consistency. However, the conclusion could 
be unreliable in some cases. Consider a case that samples are 
evenly dispersed in the upper and lower parts of the line y — x, 
the slope of regression line based on those samples can highly 
approach to 1. However, this kind of dataset does not fit the 
requirement of data consistency. 
ICC index gives another way to measure the consistency of two 
datasets. It is conceptualized as the ratio of between groups 
variance to the total variance (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979). 
Something should be pointed out that ICC also has its limitation. 
This kind of coefficient depends on the range of observed 
values. For example, as for this study, ICC is not suitable for 
evaluating the consistency of snow depth measurements in 
January because the values in January are homogeneous. 
In this study, snow depth measurement from two snow products 
didn't show a good consistency. The reasons may come from 
the following aspects: 
1. The inaccuracy originated from snow depth retrieval 
2. The spatial resolution of snow depth products is too 
coarse (around 25km). In mountain areas, spatial 
heterogeneity within a pixel will cause measurement 
uncertainty in snow depth detection methods; 
3. Snow depth retrieval algorithms are normally based 
on dry snow. The quality of snow depth products during 
snow melting periods will become instable and terrible. 
This study has tested the reliability of two remote sensing based 
snow depth products in mountain areas of arid zone of western 
China. Statistical techniques include regression and intra-class 
correlation coefficient methods are employed to examine the 
consistency of snow depth measurements. 
Results show that snow depth measurements from the two 
selected products do not correlate well. The difference between 
them can be very large especially in snow melting period. 
Because of the low consistency, it is hard to say that snow depth 
measurement based on passive microwave remote sensing is 
reliable for mountain areas. Although challenges still exist 
when retrieving snow depth from passive microwave data with 
a high accuracy, effort should be undertaken to make the remote 
sensing based snow data more reliable. In the future, in-situ 
observation data from ground monitoring station is expected to 
be collected for accuracy assessment and calibration of existing 
snow depth products.

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