Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 8. During construction only half of the highway will be 
Figure 10. Metro line aligned avoiding bridge foundations 
| Design criteria taken into consideration during different 
planning stages were the following: 
The design speed is 80 km/h. 
Metro lines were designed with minimum curve radius of 
550 m and transient curve of P ^ 110 m (A value). 
During the design work, the designers used values (for the 
above mentioned) parameters as large as possible. 
e During the design work, a maximum attention was paid to 
the location of stations; the location of stations in essence 
was determined by the Libyan contrasting partner 
(RPEMB) in the original (previous) planning study. 
e Planning the line alignments was a result of multi-step 
iterative process: 
* In the first step, the stations were placed, and then the 
line alignment (trail) between stations was planned. In 
many cases, it was not possible to align the lines with 
the axis of the stations because of the constraints of 
the minimal radii and transient curves. Additional 
constraint meant that the stations might be only 
imposition on straight line sections. 
* In the second step, the line (trail) was drawn and led 
as close as possible to the problematic station, if any, 
and station location was slightly modified to have the 
station fallen on the line and aligned with its 
direction. This choice was in a way limited in densely 
built-up areas because of retained buildings. In the 
case of stations, additional constraining factor was the 
location of exits; these had to be located in 
advantageous locations regarding the pedestrian 
movement patterns. 
* The first and second steps were repeated until no 
compromise or acceptable compromises were reached 
and the lines and stations imposition into their final 
e During planning the alignment lines, special criteria were 
adopted for these line sections with special characteristics. 
For example, for the inner city section of line (B) a curve 
radius of R-400 m was adopted. Another exception was 
between stations B 10 and B11, a curve radius of R-300 m 
was adopted because these two stations were very near to 
each other, and to avoid the foundations of a planned 
future high-rise building. In these short sections of the line 
it presumed that the speed will be decreased. 
e During planning, existing and future development in the 
traffic system were considered, attention was paid to road 
crossings and nodes, and special caution was paid to the 
foundations of bridges where the line sections were 
planned as deep alignment. 
e Remotely sensed images and photographs were of great 
help in planning those sections of the line where 
subsurface alignment construction was adopted. These 
sections will be built by cut-and-cover construction. 
During the construction phase, surface traffic will be 
insured, and there will be no need for unjustified building 
demolitions. Surface features, such as roads, buildings, 
pedestrian pavements, and even young trees and utility 
poles were easily distinguished and identified in remotely 
sensed images and aerial photographs, a fact that eased 
planning the alignment of Metro lines in a way where 
vehicle and pedestrian traffic is ensured during the 
construction phase, for example on the sections between 
B04-B01 and A01-A08 stations (Paulini, 2008). 
Remotely sensing imagery, whether these were satellite images 
or aerial photographs, has a spatial accuracy equal or better that 
50 cm. Both kinds of images have a high resolution of 60 cm 
for satellite images 30 cm for aerial photographs. Satellite 
imagery, after carrying out the necessary corrections, 
transformations, and co-registration has satisfied the required

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