fast and suitable system to detect and accurately measure the
artificialized land of the great mega-cities through the use of
low-resolution satellite images (Landsat 7).
1.3 Specific objectives
The specific objectives can be summarized as follows:
The first aim of this paper is to delimitate the study
area of the selected cities. A “window” of 45,000
square kilometres of each megacity will be studied in
a detailed level.
* The second aim of this paper is the classification and
interpretation of archived satellite images for the
identification of land covers. Rural and artificialized
land (including roads and urban green) will be
classified. Urban texture analysis plays an important
role in image segmentation and object recognition for
improving objects extraction and classification.
* Another goal of the paper is to delimitate, measure
and understand the urban continuum inside and
outside the administrative boundaries. The
morphological analysis of conurbation will serve to
identify the core city from the surrounding
countryside and to compare the different structures of
the studied megacities.
* Comparison between the different models of
urbanization. This stage is directed towards analyzing
from a morphological perspective the process of
spatial occupation of the megacities. Landscape
indicators will be used to define the pattern of
urbanization of each megacity. Urban sprawl,
monocentrism vs. polycentrism, fragmentation and
others aspects of the urban structure will be studied to
compare the selected megacities.
Finally, our aim in this paper is to generate an indicator to
present geometric properties and intrinsic morphology of urban
settlements based on their characteristics and fundamental
forms, and to develop a strategic urban model that guides
sustainable development of selective “Megacities”, using
innovative technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and WEBGIS.
2.1 Analysed data
Data sources are based on satellite images from Landsat 7
ETM+ and the GLS (Global Land Survey) 2000 Collection
brought together, which provides multispectral images of 30
meters, plus a 15 m panchromatic image, in Geotif format.
2.2 Land Use Classification Efficiency According to Per-
Pixel Based Approaches
The complexity of image classification techniques can range
from the use of a simple threshold value for a simple spectral
band to complex statistically based decision rules that operate
on multivariate data. Classification approaches can be
implemented to classify the total scene content into a limited
number of major classes or can also be implemented to
distinguish one or more specific classes of terrain (such as water
bodies, artificialized land or other types). Pixel-based
approaches have been developed and are widely used in remote
sensing image processing and classification. Supervised
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
classifications, such as Maximum Likelihood, Minimum
Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, and Parallelepiped
Classification, have been used.
Figure 1.Per pixel classification approaches
A number of issues have to be taken into consideration when
selecting a suitable classifier:
* Different training strategies may produce different
classifications results. The training size, the image
resolution, and the degree or autocorrelation inherited
in each class influenced the performance of different
training strategies.
° The size of the training set is important in influencing
supervised classification results when the single-pixel
training strategy is applied. The number of pixels
required to extract training statistics vary for different
classes with different spatial structures. For spectrally
homogeneous classes, a small number of training
pixels may be sufficient. But for spatially
heterogeneous classes, a relative large number of
pixels are likely to be required in order to extract
representative statistics.
* Single-pixel may be implemented to avoid auto-
correlation effects, but not always lead to more
accurate classification results than other training
approaches involving contiguous pixel selection. For
spectrally homogeneous classes, the single-pixel
training approach may be preferred. But for spatially
heterogeneous classes, small-block training has the
advantage of easily capturing spectral and spatial
information and saves the analyst interaction time.
* Using an overlay tools as an additional process
increases the classification accuracy for all classes and
tends to reduce the differences of classification results
caused by training strategies at all levels when the
pixel-base classifier is used.
Among the most frequently used classification algorithms, the
maximum likelihood method is generally preferred (Campbell
1998, Avery & Berlin, 1992). It becomes the most commonly
used classifier due to its higher accuracy levels. It is generally
accepted that this is the more accurate form of classification if
compare to parallelepiped and minimum distance algorithms
(Curran 1985). In our experience, the overlay of maximum
likelihood and minimum distance classifications allow good
performance in per pixel-analysis.