Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

respect to their covariance as metric, exactly in the vein of the 
classical Gram-Schmidt-orthogonalization: 
G; = (Gi — mi) — “= Gx 
Here G; denotes the greyvalue of an individual pixel in the orig- 
inal channel i, G; the greyvalue of the same pixel in the (trans- 
formed) Gram-Schmidt channel k. y; is the mean greyvalue of 
channel ? taken over all pixels. The covariance C;,; between two 
original channels 7, j is empirically determined by 
2 (Gi - Hi)(G; — 6j) 
Ci; = Pixels % 
where NN denotes the total number of pixels. Due to construction, 
the Gram-Schmidt channels are all uncorrelated. 
The histogram of the high-resolving panchromatic image is matched 
to the histogram of the artificial, low-resolving panchromatic im- 
age. In this way at least the global (if not the local) grey value 
distribution of the panchromatic image is adjusted to the intensity 
distribution of the hyperspectral data. Then, the low-resolution 
panchromatic is replaced by the high resolution panchromatic, 
the remaining hyperspectral channels are upsampled and adopted. 
Finally, the Gram-Schmidt transform is inverted. 
2-2 PCA Fusion 
This method resembles very much the Gram-Schmidt Fusion. In 
contrast to the latter, the “artificial” low resolution panchromatic 
channel is constructed as that linear combination of all bands, 
which corresponds to the maximal eigenvalue of the principal 
component analysis. The eigenvectors of the PCA are by con- 
struction orthogonal; the corresponding combination bands are 
uncorrelated. The further processing is the same as with the 
Gram-Schmidt Fusion. 
Obviously, PCA Fusion is based on the assumption that the pan- 
chromatic image corresponds best with the linear combination of 
bands which features the highest variance. As in the case of the 
Gram-Schmidt Fusion, a global histogram matching is employed. 
2-3 Wavelet Fusion 
Wavelet Fusion is based on the concept of image pyramids, see 
e.g. (Ranchin and Wald 2000). Given a high resolution im- 
age, the base of the pyramid is just the image itself, whereas 
the higher levels of the pyramid consist in successive approxima- 
tions, i.e. each level consists in an approximation of the previous 
level. In a second pyramid the difference images between con- 
secutive approximations are represented. For the purpose of pan- 
sharpening, the high resolution panchromatic image is approxi- 
mated successively until the resolution of the hyperspectral data 
is reached. Then for each individual channel, the approximation 
of the panchromatic image is replaced by the respective hyper- 
spectral data. High resolution images are constructed by succes- 
sively adding the difference images of the panchromatic image to 
each individual channel. 
Whereas many approximation methods are imaginable for this 
process, the Discrete Wavelet Transform constitutes a particu- 
larly elegant and — in view of the famous Mallat algorithm — also 
efficient possibility, see e.g. (Mallat 2009). The workflow of 
the wavelet fusion reminds to the workflow of PCA Fusion. For 
the former method, however, the transformations (forward and in- 
verse wavelet transform) act on the panchromatic image, whereas 
for the latter the transformations (forward and inverse PCA) work 
on the hyperspectral data. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Color Channel 
matching Replace 
chrom. |— =» = — | sharp. 
Image channel 
Inverse wavelet 
wavelet transform 
Figure 1: Workflow of Wavelet Fusion according to (Hirschmugl 
et. al 2005) 
Different from PCA and Gram-Schmidt Fusion, only /ocal varia- 
tions of the panchromatic image affect the pansharpening result. 
This is due to the fact that only the wavelet coefficients (i.e. the 
difference images) of the panchromatic image remain, whereas 
the approximation coefficients of the low resolution level are re- 
placed by the corresponding coefficients of the respective hyper- 
spectral channel. 
In a common RGB image the absolute grey and color values may 
differ noticeable from exposure to exposure. Hyperspectral data 
in contrast are usually calibrated in such a way, that the grey val- 
ues represent the absolute reflectivity of the respective surface 
materials for the respective wavelength, i.e. the ratio between 
reflected and incident radiation. The reflectivity is a property of 
the surface material alone; it is of particular value for the distinc- 
tion of surface materials. Therefore we aim at a pansharpening 
method which respects as much as possible the original hyper- 
spectral data. In a first step, we perform a segmentation of the 
high resolution panchromatic image. The segments are assumed 
to be homogeneous, ideally each segment should feature one ma- 
terial only. In a second step, the hyperspectral data are interpo- 
lated by means of an inverse distance method on the finer grid. 
Hereby only such pixels of the original hyperspectral image are 
used, which are located completely in the same segment as the 
interpolation position. 
3-1 Segmentation of the Panchromatic Image (RGB-image) 
The segmentation of the panchromatic image was performed by 
the well-known eCognition software, see (eCognition User Guide). 
This software enables the simultaneous processing of multiple 
channels in a hierarchical way. eCognition successively aggre- 
gates pixels with similar grey values to segments. Criteria for the 
aggregation of adjacent objects are on the one hand the hetero- 
geneity of the grey values of the combined object, on the other 
hand its geometric form. These criteria can be balanced by three 
parameters: “scale”, “color” and “shape”. Adequate parameters 
have to be selected by trial and error. Focused on application 
in urban areas, in most cases a one-to-one relation between seg- 
ments and building regions will be optimal, though roofs also 
may consist of different materials. 
As for our test area RGB orthophotos and in addition ALK vec- 
tor data (parcels, buildings) were available, the segmentation was 
performed hierarchically. The borders as given by the vector data 
already imply a segmentation. This segmentation was refined by 

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