Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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image and the result of shadow detection. All experiments are 
done on a PC with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-920 @ 2.67 Hz CPU 
with 4.0 GB memory, a NVIDIA GeForce GTX285 GPU with 
1.0 GB memory, and Windows 7 Ultimate - 64bit system. 
Using Z-Buffer to detect the occlusion takes about 24.2 seconds 
in CPU. The implementation in OpenGL needs about 4.3s. 
Accelerated by CUDA in GPU, the time is less than 3.4s and 
we get over 7 times’ speedup. It is noteworthy that the creation 
of TIN takes about 2.1s. So the limit of the running time is not 
the calculation of the z-buffer any more. 
cluded Area [8 2 
Figure 4. Occlusion Detection 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 5. Shadow Detection 
In this paper, the Z-Buffer algorithm is used to detect the 
occlusion and the shadow whose detection and compensation is 
a critical step in the generation of true orthophoto. GPU is 
introduced to accelerate the process. Experimental results 
indicate that the fast detection of occlusion and shadow 
combined with LIDAR point cloud is effective and efficient. 
There are still some key point of the algorithm needs to be 
studied further. Firstly, the precision of the detection result 
need to be improved. In this paper, only coarse edges are 
obtained. Secondly, the compensation of the occlusion and 
shadow using multi-view images is another problem. Thirdly, 
only NVIDIA’s GPUs support CUDA. Open Computing 
Language (OpenCL) is a better alternative. These three aspects 
are the direction of our future research. 
Thank Guangzhou Jiantong Surveying and Mapping 
Technology Development Ltd. for providing the experimental 
Ambar F., Jansa J. and Ries C., 1998. The generation of true 
orthophotos using a 3D building model in conjunction with a 
conventional DTM. International Archives of Photogrammetry 
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Bang KI. and Habib A.F., 2007. Comparative analysis of 
alternative methodologies for true ortho-photo generation from 
high resolution satellite imagery. ASPRS 2007 Annual 
Chen L.C., Teo T.A., Wen J.Y., Rau J.Y., 2007. Occlusion- 
Compensated True Orthorectification for High-Resolution 
Satellite Images. The Photogrammetric Record, 22(117), pp. 39- 
Disa N.M., Maarof I., Latif Z.A. and Samad A.M., 2011. 
LiDAR: A Review On Generating Digital True Orthophoto. 
IEEE 7th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its 
Applications, pp. 336-340.

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