Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

Since p(y,z) is independent of x , it can be considered a 
constant and removed from the maximum function: 
X z arg max p(x)p(y,z| x) 
- argmax p(x)p(y | x)p(z | x, y) (9) 
= argmax p(x) p(y | x) p(z | x) 
Since z and y are both known quantities, so it is tenable 
for p(z] x y) 7 p(z| x) in (9). 
The function p(y|x) provides a measure of the 
conformance of the estimated image x to the observed image 
y according to the observation model (2). Assuming that the 
noise is zero-mean Gaussian noise, and each image is 
K, B,, 
201 = 1] [1120 1x) (10) 
k=l b=l 
where K, is the image number of y, B, , is the band number 
of y, ,, and 
1 2 
POs | x)= WE ex|-]».. -A,,,x)| Lm (11) 
Qza, ,,) rt 
where a, , is the variance of the noise ny; ;, N,;, and 
N,,k,vy are the image dimensions of y, . 
The function p(z | x) is determined by the probability density 
of the noise vector n. , , in (6), and is expressed as: 
K, 5} 
pc =] 111260. (12) 
k=1 b=1 
Dux) NN 77 XP 
Az pp) UU ^ 
3 (13) 
Heo 74 kpX— 7468-40] / 20 4) 
where a.,, is the variance of the noise n, , , B, , is the 
band number of z,,, and N,; , and N,, are the image 
dimensions of z, . 
An edge-preserving Huber-Markov image model (Schultz and 
Stevenson, 1996; Shen and Zhang, 2009) is employed for 
density function p(x) 
$2 Pd.) 20. 5t (14) 
p=] [ NUUS exp 
pi (2705 5) ij éay 
where &, is the model parameter of the bth band, & is a 
local group of pixels called a clique, and y. is the set of all the 
cliques, N, , and N, are the image dimensions of x . The 
quantity  de(x,(1,j)) is a spatial activity measure to 
pixel x; (i, j) , and the following finite second-order differences 
are computed in two adjacent cliques for every location 
(i,j) in the image. 
di (xpi, J) = xp (i= 1, J) = 2x (i, /) + (i +1, /) (15) 
dj) = (i,j =D = 2%, (i, )) + xp (0, j +1) (16) 
In (13), p(-) is the Huber function defined as: 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
n? h| € 
a Ae (17) 
2u|h|-4^ Mu 
where 4 is a threshold parameter separating the quadratic and 
linear regions. When 4 approaches 4-00 , the prior becomes the 
Gauss-Markov, which has similar spatial constraints to the 
Laplacian prior. 
Substituting (10)-(14) in (9) and implementing the monotonic 
logarithm function, after some manipulation, N,, , N,, » 
Ny» Ny, Nz 4, and N.,,can be safely dropped, and 
the maximization of this posterior probability distribution is 
equivalent to the following regularized minimum problem: 
X=arg min[ E(x) | (18) 
K, 8, ; 
E(x) MY ris - 4,0% + 
k=1 bal ^ eb 
K Bj 
Ci thd] XE 3 peu» (9) 
HH ij Say 
In this paper, we assume a, 4 5, @; x; and a, are invariable. 
Thus, minimum function can be se as 
Elo) = AY ]»;- Aral Ed Z kB: "i 
pp pp 
+2) 2 pd (xi, )) (20) 
b=1 i,j Sey 
where 4; and A; are two regularization parameters. At last, the 
steepest gradient descent method(Shen and Zhang, 2009; Shen 
et al., 2010) is employed to solve the fusion images. 
The proposed method was tested using simulated images, and 
the experimental images and results are illustrated in Fig.1. We 
used one HS image to simulate one PAN image, one MS image 
(four bands) and four degraded HS images. Fig.1(a)-(c) show 
the PAN image, the cubic interpolated versions of the MS 
image and HS image respectively. The fusion method were 
implemented in four cases that the input images are respectively 
four HS images, HS image + MS image, one HS image + PAN 
image, and all the simulated images. The fused results are 
shown in Fig.1(d)-(g). By visual inspection, each of the fusion 
results enhances the spatial resolution. Moreover, the image of 
the integrated fusion method has the best visual quality. 
The fused images are evaluated using five quality indices. 
These are the root mean square error (RMSE), correlation 
coefficient (CC), universal image quality index (UIQI), means 
relative dimensionless global error (ERGAS) and spectral angle 
(SA). They are defined by equations (21)-(25), respectively. 

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