Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

sing image 
object site. 
ite and Fig. 
3.3 Data Fusion 
This study combined disaster attribution information using 
digital maps and digital images to construct new disaster 
prevention map. Base map was drawn using AutoCAD Map and 
disaster attributions required for disaster prevention map such 
as the optimal evacuation routes, flood trace area, landslide — 
estimated areas, etc. at the time of disaster occurrences were 
classified through analysis of constructed disaster attribution. 
Data for construction disaster prevention map was secured by 
separating flood areas and landslide areas and disaster 
attribution information such as constructed digital images, flood 
trace areas, landslide-estimated areas, shelters and evacuation 
route, etc. was combined. Fig. 5 is the base map for producing 
disaster prevention map and Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the disaster 
prevention map completed. 
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Figure 6. Disaster Prevention Map(1) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 7. Disaster Prevention Map(2) 
This study produced a new type of disaster prevention map 
through combining digital map, digital images and disaster 
attribution information. The produced disaster prevention map 
is marking various kinds of disaster materials such as overflow, 
flooding, landslide areas arisen from local downpour, typhoon, 
etc. and evacuation routes and shelters, etc. were marked by 
establishing estimated damage areas. 
The disaster prevention map produced enables everyone to 
understand easily by marking evacuation instructions, 
evacuation routes and shelters at disaster occurrence and would 
be used for disaster awareness learning for basic disaster 
situation and future disaster possibility as part of disaster 
awareness enhancement of local residents. In the future, if a 
nationwide web-based damage investigation system is 
constructed, it is expected the objectivity of damage 
investigation is maintained, simplification of administrative 
procedures can be achieved and it would contribute to rapid 
recovery plan and using in disaster learning. 
This study produced a new type of disaster prevention map 
through combining digital map, digital images and disaster 
attribution information and conclusions were made as following. 
Through fusion of digital map, disaster attribution information 
and digital images, a new type of disaster prevention map which 
can overcome the limit of schematic expression which is hard to 
understand was constructed. Disaster prevention map produced 
through combine of digital images and digital terrain map can 
be used as materials of disaster information including the 
existing disaster attribution information and for disaster 
prevention and can be used as basic materials for realizing web- 
GIS based disaster prevention system. If a nationwide web- 

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