Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

This section describe about the automatic exterior orientation 
process in this investigation. 
In order to perform automatic detection of corresponding points 
from discontinuous high resolution still images without using 
coded target or manual operation, the keypoint detector and 
descriptor such as SIFT (D. G. Lowe. 2004.) or SURF (H. Bay. 
2006.) are widely used now. By the way, if assume that the 
video image between discontinuous still images are obtained, 
video image sequences gives information about the motion of 
corresponding points. Therefore, the authors developed the 
procedure of automatic detection of corresponding points using 
video image sequences and high resolution still image. 
Moreover, robust exterior orientation that using corresponding 
points, GPS on UAV and minimum ground control point was 
also investigated. 
2.1 Integrated Devices on UAV 
The authors have developed the UAV system which has ability 
of acquiring video image and still image simultaneously. 
Figurel shows the UAV system of this investigation. This 
system is based on “AscTec Falcon8” which developed by 
"Ascending Technologies GmbH". Tablel shows the details of 
integrated devices of this UAV system. The finder image of 
digital still camera RICHO GX200 is connected to video 
recorder by NTSC video line. Therefore, high resolution still 
images (12 mega-pixels) at each waypoint and the video image 
(VGA size) during a flight are obtained. The synchronization 
between video image and still images is performed by detection 
of shuttered frame from video image sequences. Also, the 
positioning results at each waypoint are obtained by KML 
format file as the function of “AscTec Falcon 8”. 
Figure 1. UAV of This Investigation 
UAV ASCTEC Falcon 8 Payload: 500g 
Flight Time: 16-18 min 
GPS Ublox LEA-5T GPS L1 frequency, C/A Code 
GALILEO Open Service L1 frequency 
SBAS surport 
Resolution:4000x3000 Pixel 
Focal Length: £-5.1 mm(at wide side) 
Input Video Signal: NTSC/PAL 
Recording Resolution: 640 x 480 pixel 
Video File Format: AVI (mepg4) 
Tablel. Details of Integrated Devices 
Digital Camera Ricoh GX-200 
Video Recorder] kingdom System 
Angel Eye 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
2.2 Flow of Automatic Exterior Orientation procedure 
Figure 2 shows the flow of automatic exterior orientation 
procedure in this investigation. The waypoint planning and 
flight control are performed by “AscTec autopilot control 
software” provided by Ascending Technologies GmbH. High 
resolution still images at waypoints, video image during flight, 
and also positioning information of each waypoint are obtained 
as the result of a flight. At the first of this processing, the 
detection of common feature points from high resolution still 
image and tracking of detected feature points on video image 
sequences are performed using robust feature point tracking 
method based on the OC image processing. The tracking result 
of feature points are obtained in the image coordinate on high 
resolution still image. As the next step, sub-pixel matching of 
each feature point is performed. The good results of this sub- 
pixel matching are used as candidate of correct pass points. In 
order to perform tie point matching, the exterior orientation 
using these candidate pass points is performed. The result of 
exterior orientation in this step gives the geometry of candidate 
pass points and still images in arbitrarily position and scale. 
Finally, registration in global coordinate using the positioning 
information of waypoints and minimum ground control points is 
performed by using bundle adjustment with robust regression. 
These photogrammetric procedures are developed based on 
“TOPCON Image Master”. Therefore, the 3D modelling from 
still image also can be performed easily. 
Waypoint Planning and Flight 
(ASCTEC Falcon 8) 
Robust Feature Point Tracking 
(OC image processing) 
Sub-pixel Matching 
Tie Point Matching 
and Exterior Orientation 
(in arbitrarily position and scale ) 
| Bundle Adjustment with Robust Regression| 
3D Modeling 
on “Topcon Image Master?’ 
Figure 2. Flow of Automatic Exterior Orientation 
2.3 OC Image Processing 
In this investigation, the detection of common feature point and 
tracking procedure are performed by “Orientation Code” (OC) 
image processing. The most unique point of OC image 
processing is that the coded images are used instead of the 
original gray-scale images. The OC means a quantization of the 
maximal intensity change direction around interest pixel. The 
OC of each pixel is defined as following equation: 

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