Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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2.6 Robust Bundle Adjustment in Global Coordinate 
As the final step of exterior orientation, we perform bundle 
adjustment in global coordinate system which using the 
corresponding points of still image, the GPS observation of 
UAV at waypoint and the minimum GCP. The candidate pass 
points and tie points detected automatically as mentioned before 
generally include mismatching. Also, the GPS observation often 
includes outlier. Therefore, the bundle adjustment of this 
investigation is performed using robust regression method 
based on M-estimator. 
The M-estimator is defined as the least-square method that the 
each weighting coefficient is decided to suppress the outlier. 
Weighting coefficient of M-estimator w” is obtained from 
following equation. 
w zy(z)(z)]w, 
zuy/ e, (6) 
where w: weighting coefficient of least-square method 
v: residual error of each observation equation 
0: RMS of each observation equation. 
z: normalized residual error 
y: influence function 
The influence function y of this investigation is Tukey’s 
Biweight that defined as follows. 
v(z)s zl -(z/ey] when |z| « C 
0 when lz2c (n 
The constant C in equation (7) is selected as 5-9. 
Therefore, the robust bundle adjustment using M-estimator is 
performed by minimizing the following error function. 
Ts off 4f 
Es 22% X fo -xs| +> wi |G, 
p Fr 
where Xp: image coordinate of point p 
on the /-th image 
Xp: re-projected image coordinate of point p 
on the /-th image 
Gy: 3-D coordinates of GPS at 
the f"-th waypoint 
G’r: Computed 3-D coordinates of GPS at 
the f"-th waypoint 
P,: 3-Dcoordintaes at the g-th GCP. 
P',: Computed 3-Dcoordintaes at the g-th GCP. 
wy : Weighting coefficient of M-estimator 
for re-projection error 
wy. : Weighting coefficient of M-estimator 
for GPS 
w, 7 : Weighting coefficient of M-estimator 
for GCP 
From this procedure, exterior orientation parameter of each still 
image and 3D coordinate of each common feature point are 
obtained in global coordinate system, and also the influence of 
error observation such as mismatching points or outlier 
positioning of GPS at waypoint is suppressed by this procedure. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed automatic 
corresponding point detection method and robust exterior 
orientation method, some experiments were performed. These 
experiments performed at the embankment of Arakawa river 
side located near the TOKYO. The area of interest was about 
80m x 40m. In this area, 11 check points for accuracy 
evaluation were constructed before by VRS-GPS surveying. 
In this experiment, two kinds of following flights were planned. 
The first flight type was planed as photography from constant 
altitude like conventional aerial photogrammetry. The second 
flight was photography from constant height from the ground 
3.1 Constant Altitude Flight 
Figure 9 shows the result of the first flight experiment. In this 
case, 33 still images were acquired by UAV. The height from 
UAV to ground was changing from about 10m to 20m due to 
the altitude of this flight was constant. 
The positioning data of each still image were obtained by DGPS 
(SBAS) on UAV. From still images, 1029 corresponding points 
were obtained automatically with our proposed method using 
video image and still image. The exterior orientation of this 
experiment was performed by proposed robust bundle 
adjustment using still image position and only 3 ground control 
points. The outlier in still image position from GPS observation 
and miss matched points were suppressed automatically with 
our proposed robust bundle adjustment. The RMSE of 3D 
measurement for 11 check points from aerial triangulation in 
this experiment was 16mm in XY axis and 22 mm in Z axis. 
Figure 10 shows the 3D texture model which generated from 
automatic corresponding points. 
3.2 Topography Trace Flight 
Figure 11 shows the result of second flight. The height from 
UAV to ground surface was about 15m and UAV flied as trace 
the topography of embankment. In this case, 33 still images 
were obtained and 1489 common feature points were obtained 
automatically. The RMSE of 3D measurement for 11 check 
points was 20mm in XY axis and 24 mm in Z axis. Figure 12 
shows the 3D texture model of second flight. 
* 1 common feature points 
: computed still image position 
Figure 9. Result of First Flight 

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