Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

(a) The UAV-MVS point cloud below Poisson (blue) and TIN 
(light blue) strips. 
(b) The T-MVS point cloud below Poisson (brown) and TIN 
(pink) strips. 
(c) The T-MVS point cloud below UAV-MVS Poisson (blue) and 
T-MVS Poisson (brown) strips. 
Figure 9: 6 cm wide strips of Poisson and TIN surfaces viewed 
over a pebbly beach section of the points clouds from which they 
were derived (Z-10 cm), each natural coloured dot has a 14mm 
Two datasets were derived using the technique, one using terres- 
trial photography and the other using photography acquired via an 
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The two point clouds provided 
dense point coverage of the areas captured in the imagery, the ter- 
restrial MVS dataset had 3-5 points per cm? and the UAV-MVS 
dataset had —1-3 points per cm?. Once georeferenced the two 
clouds coincided quite well, however in future studies compar- 
ison will be between coregistered datasets. Triangulated mesh- 
ing and Poisson surface reconstruction was used to create surface 
models and these models were compared and evaluated to assess 
how well the terrain and surface features were portrayed. The 
point clouds produced using MVS have point normals associated 
with each point and this allows detailed surface features to be de- 
rived using Poisson surface reconstruction. The derivatives that 
can be extracted from such a detailed surface representation will 
benefit from the Poisson algorithm as it combines global and local 
function fitting and seems to smooth the data and the process is 
not strongly influenced by outliers in the point cloud. Future stud- 
ies will undertake quantitative assessment of the differences and 
evaluate the potential of these techniques for change detection, 
in this study area the fine scale coastal erosion that is occurring 
may be indicative of climate change and, if this technique proves 
useful, UAVs may be a viable tool for focussed monitoring stud- 
ies. The issues faced in vegetated areas and areas with complex 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
geometry that result in sparse patches in the point cloud need to 
be investigated, it may be that the key areas of change are still 
well represented. The MVS technique has a great deal of poten- 
tial both in natural and man-made landscapes and there are many 
potential applications for the use of UAVs for remote sensing 
data capture, alongside laser scanning and more traditional tech- 
niques, to provide very detailed and precise representations of a 
range of landscapes at key moments. Application areas include 
landform monitoring, mine surveying and other environmental 
monitoring. Qualitatively, the outputs from the UAV-MVS pro- 
cess compare very well to the terrestrial MVS results. The UAV 
can map a greater area faster and from more viewing angles, it 
is therefore an ideal platform for capturing very high detail 3D 
snapshots of these environments. 
The authors would like to thank Darren Turner for his logistical, 
technical and programming support and UAV training. Thank 
you to Myriax for the scholarship license for the Eonfusion nD 
spatial analysis package. In addition, for making their algorithms 
and software available, we would like to give thanks and appre- 
ciation to Noah Snavely and his team for Bundler, David Lowe 
for SIFT, the libsift team for SIFTFast, Yasutuka Furukawa and 
Jean Ponce for their multi-view stereopsis algorithms (PMVS2 
and CMVS) and Martin Isenburg for LASTools. 
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