Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
quite few GCPs, if additional refinement transformations are 
For these reasons, the use of RPCs could be conveniently 
extended also to high resolution SAR imagery, which presently 
are not supplied with RPCs, with the exception of Radarsat-2. 
Moreover, the RPFs model is an useful tool, in place of the 
rigorous one, in the DSMs generation process, since it 
establishes a straightforward correspondence between image 
and ground coordinates, enabling a significant reduction of the 
computational time. 
SAR imagery are affected by a high level of noise (speckle) due 
to the inherent nature of radar backscatter. The source of this 
noise is due to random interference between the coherent 
returns issued from the numerous scatterers present on the 
imaged surface, at the scale of the wavelength of the incident 
radar signal. 
Speckle noise gives the SAR image a grainy appearance and 
prevents an efficient targets recognition and texture analysis, 
crucial issue for the image matching . 
Therefore, an image pre-processing step to reduce speckle noise 
is required before starting the matching procedure. 
In order to determine which adaptive image filters allow to get 
the best results in terms of DSMs accuracy, a series of tests 
were performed, varying filter type and window size. 
In details, the applied filters were: Lee, Gamma Map, Frost, 
Median (Shi and Fung, 1994); the correlation window size was 
changed from a (5 x 5) to a (11 x 11) size, considering odd sizes 
only. Also, the same filter has been passed several times (up to 
three) over the images. Tests performed on several high 
resolution SAR  SpotLight imagery collected both by 
TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed showed that Gamma Map 
and Lee filters give approximately the same results in term of 
final DSM accuracy (RMSE values), and the best ones were 
obtained with a (7 x 7) correlation window. 
As already mentioned, the DSM accuracy is strictly related to 
the matching process. In order to obtain good stereo geometry, 
the optimum configuration for the radargrammetric application 
is when the target is observed in opposite-side view; however 
this causes large geometric and radiometric disparities, 
hindering image matching. A good compromise is to use a 
same-side configuration stereo pair with a base to height ratio 
ranging from 0.25 to 2 (Meric et al. 2009) in order to increase 
the efficiency in the matching procedure. 
Many different approaches for image matching have been 
developed in recent years. The main step of image matching 
process is to define the matching entity, that is a primitive (in 
the master image) to be compared with a portion of other 
(slave) images, in order to identify correspondences among 
According to the kind of matching primitives, we can 
distinguish two basic techniques, the already mentioned ABM 
and FBM. In ABM method, a small image window composed 
of grey values represents the matching primitive and the 
principal methods to assess similarity are cross correlation and 
Least Squares Matching (LSM); on the other hand, FBM uses, 
as main class of matching, basic features that are typically the 
easily distinguishable primitives in the input images, like 
corners, edges, lines, etc. 
These strategies, if separately applied, do not appear suited to 
manage the strong geometrical deformation (like foreshortening 
and layover) and the complex and noisy radiometry (speckle) of 
SAR imagery. Therefore, an original matching procedure has 
been developed. 
Our matching method is based on a coarse-to-fine hierarchical 
solution with an effective combination of geometrical 
constrains and an ABM algorithm, following some ideas of 
(Zhang and Gruen, 2006) but with a complete original 
procedure and implementation. 
After image pre-processing, the two images are resampled 
reducing at each pyramid level the original resolution. The 
correspondences between points in the two resampled images 
are computed by correlation. In this way the surface model is 
successively refined step by step, until the last step 
(corresponding to the original image resolution), when the final 
dense DSM is reconstructed. The advantage of this technique is 
that at lower resolution it is possible to detect larger structures, 
whereas at higher resolutions small details are progressively 
added to the already obtained coarser surface. It has to be 
underlined that, differently from other matching algorithm 
recently developed (Perko et al., 2011), no a-priori known DSM 
(for example the well known SRTM DEM) is necessary to 
guide the DSM generation. 
5.1 Data set 
For the radargrammetric tests, imagery with a proper geometric 
configuration, suitable for radargrammetric application, have 
been acquired on Trento test field (Northern Italy). The 
TerraSAR-X imagery have been provided by DLR in the 
framework of the international project “Evaluation of DEM 
derived from TerraSAR-X data” organized by the ISPRS 
(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing) Working Group VII/2 “SAR Interferometry”, chaired 
by Prof. Uwe Soergel — Leibniz University Hannover. 
Acquisition |Coverage| Incidence ; 
Area tte (Km?) Angie (deg) Orbit B/H 
19/01/2011 | 5x 10 24.10 Desc 
14/01/2011 | 5x 10 38.90 Desc 
22/01/2011 | 5x10 31-15 Asc 
16/01/2011 | 5x 10 44.19 Asc 
Table 1. Features of TerraSAR-X SpotLight imagery 
Two same-side stereo pairs have been considered for the DSMs 
generation tests, acquired on ascending and descending orbits 
respectively. The basic features of the images are listed in Table 
1. A LiDAR airborne DSM supplied for free by the Provincia 
Autonoma di Trento was available as reference for the accuracy 
5.0 Radargrammetric DSM analysis 
A descending and an ascending stereo pairs were available, so 
that the DSM could be reconstructed using two different views. 
The two stereo pairs have been processed separately and the 
corresponding point clouds have been assessed. 

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