Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
L. O. Wallace *, A. Lucieer and C. S. Watson 
Survey and Spatial Science Group 
School of Geography and Environmental Studies 
University of Tasmania 
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 
Luke.Wallace Q utas.edu.au 
KEY WORDS: Unmanned Aerial Systems, LiDAR, Forestry, Change Detection 
Airborne LiDAR data has become an important tool for both the scientific and industry based investigation of forest structure. The uses 
of discrete return observations have now reached a maturity level such that the operational use of this data is becoming increasingly 
common. However, due to the cost of data collection, temporal studies into forest change are often not feasible or completed at 
infrequent and at uneven intervals. To achieve high resolution temporal LiDAR surveys, this study has developed a micro- Unmanned 
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) equipped with a discrete return 4-layer LiDAR device and miniaturised positioning sensors. This UAV has 
been designed to be low-cost and to achieve maximum flying time. In order to achieve these objectives and overcome the accuracy 
restrictions presented by miniaturised sensors a novel processing strategy based on a Kalman smoother algorithm has been developed. 
This strategy includes the use of the structure from motion algorithm in estimating camera orientation, which is then used to restrain 
IMU drift. The feasibility of such a platform for monitoring forest change is shown by demonstrating that the pointing accuracy of 
this UAV LiDAR device is within the accuracy requirements set out by the Australian Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and 
Mapping (ICSM) standards. 
Airborne Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) data has become 
an increasingly important tool for the scientific investigation of 
forest structure. The use of discrete return observations have 
reached a level of maturity which allows the accurate generation 
of forest resource inventories for operational use to become in- 
creasingly common (Woods et al., 2011). Limited multi-temporal 
studies using LiDAR data have also shown potential for assess- 
ing forest dynamics such as changes in biomass, gap fractions 
(Vepakomma et al., 2008) as well as for assessing the uncer- 
tainty in growth prediction models (Hopkinson, 2008). The use 
of LiDAR data for multi-temporal forest surveys are, however, 
restricted by the high cost of data collection as well as restric- 
tions on flying seasons in some areas. Data collected from repeat 
surveys are further complicated by the often large time periods 
between surveys. As such these surveys are often performed us- 
ing different sensor sets at different flying conditions. For exam- 
ple, Vepakomma et al. (2008) used data from surveys with two 
different sensors flown at different altitudes (700 m and 1000 
m). It has been shown that these datasets are not directly com- 
parable as different instruments produce data with different prop- 
erties (Nasset, 2009). These restrictions make the assessment 
of forest change using full scale airborne data difficult, restrict- 
ing scientific investigation and making practical use for forestry 
management infeasible. 
Mini-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are a platform which can 
be used within targeted very high spatial and temporal resolution 
surveys at a low cost. The use of these systems in combination 
with miniaturised laser scanners has been highlighted as a plat- 
form which will allow high frequency multi-temporal forest stud- 
ies to be performed with the same instrumentation set (Jaakkola 
et al., 2010). The UAV-borne LiDAR system outlined in Jaakkola 
et al. (2010), for example, highlights the key advantages of UAVs. 
However, the effect of flight conditions for measuring forest met- 
rics is yet to be thoroughly examined. The use of mini-UAVs 
suggest that survey conditions will typically include lower fly- 
ing heights, higher point densities, and a smaller survey areas. 
Furthermore, the miniaturised laser scanner has been developed 
for applications other than mapping (automotive and robotics ap- 
plications for example) and are not as highly developed as laser 
scanners used on-board full scale systems. 
The effect of different flying conditions on the collection of dis- 
crete return LiDAR data within forest has been well studied (Lovell 
et al., 2005; Goodwin et al., 2006; Disney et al., 2010). Such stud- 
ies have often been completed with the aim of determining opti- 
mum flying conditions for LiDAR surveys. These studies have 
shown that point density, beam divergence, scan angle as well as 
the internal properties of the scanner, such as the triggering mech- 
anism all have an effect on the derivation of tree metrics and that 
these effects are more pronounced at finer measurement scales 
(i.e. the individual tree level). Lovell et al. (2005), for example, 
suggests that tree height measurements are improved in data sets 
with higher point density due to the increased likelihood that the 
tree top will be sampled. Furthermore, it has been shown that the 
use of large scan angles will result in a reduction in the number 
of lower canopy returns and effect canopy cover estimates (Mors- 
dorf et al., 2006). The effect of survey conditions are important 
to consider for UAV-borne LiDAR surveys. These systems offer 
higher point densities and depending on the chosen survey con- 
ditions and area of interest may require the use of higher scan 
angles to capture an area of interest. Furthermore, the minia- 
turised sensors on these systems typically have a higher beam di- 
vergence, less sensitive diodes, different triggering mechanisms 
and the ability to utilise higher scanning angles (up to 180 ^). As 
such the optimum flying conditions, using these low-cost sensors 
mounted on UAVs, for repeatable determination of forest met- 
rics from LiDAR data requires further investigation. This analy- 
sis can assume similar effects of flying height as shown in these 
prior studies to provide an initial hypothesis for determining the 
optimum conditions for performing UAV-borne surveys. 

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