Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
The study site (Figure 1) is located on the slope of the 
Brustolè mount, in front of the small town of Arsiero 
(Vicenza, northern Italy). This site is actually undergoing a 
strong debate among the inhabitants and local government 
authorities about the exploitation of the area as a huge quarry 
to produce building material. The dispute originates from the 
uncertainty about the instability of the underlying mountain 
slope, which was interested in 1966 by a landslide. After this 
event, the area has been continuously monitored by 
measuring the dynamics of terrain displacements. The 
landslide covers approximately a surface of 600000 m°, with 
an extent of around 400 m in vertical direction and 1 km in 
the horizontal direction, at the bottom of the slope. Elevation 
ranges from 350 to 750 m a.s.l. The main sliding surface is 
located at a depth of 20 m at the top and at the bottom of the 
landslide body, while it reaches a depth of 100 m in its 
central part. The volume of material involved in the event of 
1966 was estimated to be around 20-30 millions of cubic 
meters (Bitelli et al., 2009). 
Figure 2: View of the bottom side of the landslide. 
In order to perform a 3D simulation of the morphological 
changes the site may undergo during the excavation of the 
quarry, on February 2011 the entire area was surveyed with a 
long-range TLS, the Riegl LMS-Z620. After a few weeks, 
still during the vegetation dormant period, a second survey 
was carried out with a full-waveform system, the Riegl VZ- 
400. Due to time constraints and the limited operational range 
of this laser scanner (max. 600 m), only the lower part of the 
landlside body could be surveyed, where coppice and high 
forest alternates with rocks and cliffs. The presence of dense 
vegetation, ranging from low understore to high trees, added 
complexity to the scan of the area as it covered multiple strata 
above the ground (Figure 2). Tables 1 and 2 show the main 
technical features of the LMS-Z620 and of the VZ-400 laser 
scanners, respectively, while table 3 reports some properties 
of the scans acquired with both instruments. 
Table 1: Technical specifications of the Riegl LMS —Z620 
Field of View 360? (H) x 80? (V) 
for natural targets, p > 10% up to 650 m 
for natural targets, p > 80 % up to 2000 m 
0.15 mrad 
up to 11000 pts/sec @ low scanning rate 
(oscillating mirror) 
upto 8000 pts/sec (à) high scanning rate 
(rotating mirror) 
near infrared 
Max. Measurement range 
Beam divergence 
Measurement rate 
Laser wavelength 
Accuracy 10 mm 
Repeatabilit 10 mm (single shot), 5 mm (averaged) 
P y g 
Table 2: Technical specifications of the Riegl VZ-400 
Field of View 
Max. Measurement range 
(Long range mode) 
Beam divergence 
360? (H) x 100? (V) 
for natural targets, p 2 20 % up to 280 m 
for natural targets, p > 80 % up to 600 m 
0.3 mrad 
42000 meas/sec (Long range mode 
Measurement rate 122000 e (High me UE 
Max. number of targets 
per pulse 
Laser wavelength 
Practically unlimited 
near infrared 
Accuracy 5 mm 
Repeatability 3 mm 
Table 3: Some properties of acquired laser scans 
LMS-Z620 VZ-400 
# of scans 7 3 
Average meas. 3400000 15300000 
per scan 
Max. range 900 m 350 m 
Average scan 0.5 mrad 0.5 mrad 
resolution (225 cm @ 500 m) 
All acquired scans were georeferenced in the same reference 
frame (WGS-84) using the so called “backsighting orienta- 
tion” procedure. Firstly each laser sensor was optically 
centered over a point, whose coordinate were known by GPS 
static measurements, and levelled through the built-in dual 
axis compensator. Then the remaining degree-of-freedom 
(rotation about the vertical axis, Z) was fixed by orienting the 
instrument reference system (IRS) toward a known point. 
This last task was accomplished by scanning a retroreflective 
backsighting target, whose position was surveyed with static 
GPS, as well. Next, this approximate registration was

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