International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Seongjoon Kim”, Impyeong Lee * *, Mijin Lee *
* Dept. of Geoinfomatics, The University of Seoul, 90 Jeonnong-dong Dongdaemun-gu Seoul, Korea -
(sinus7953, iplee, mj-lee)
Commission III, WG III/2
KEY WORDS: Simulation, LIDAR, Waveform, sub-beam, geometry, radiometry, Model
Unlike discrete-return LIDAR system that measures the return times of some echoes, waveform LIDAR provides the full-waveform
data by digitising multi-echoes. From the waveform data we can extract more information about the geometry and reflectance of the
target surfaces by applying various algorithms to interpret waveform. There have been many researches about the laser beam's
interaction with the illuminated surfaces and the diverse algorithms for waveform processing. The purpose of this paper is to suggest
the method to simulate waveform coming from complex targets. First, we analysed the previous relevant works. And based on these
we attempted to generate the simulated waveform over the complex surfaces. For the waveform simulation, we defined the sub-
beams spread with a consistent interval within the beam's divergence coverage. Each sub-beam has its geometry (origin and
direction) and the transmitted energy considering the laser beam's profile. Then, we searched the surfaces that intersect with sub-
beams using ray-tracing algorithm, and computed the intersection points and the received energies. Using on the computed distance,
the received energy and predefined pulse model, we generated the signals of echoes and put them together into a waveform. Finally,
we completed the waveform simulation adding the signal noise. As a result of performing waveform simulation, we confirmed that
the waveform data was successfully simulated by the proposed method. We believe that our method of the waveform simulation will
be helpful to understand the waveform data and develop the algorithms for the waveform processing.
1. INTRODUCTION But it takes long time and a tremendous amount cost to acquire
by real systems.
A laser scanning system is capable of acquire the 3D point In this paper, we suggest the method to simulate realistic and
cloud by sampling the surface of objects. In civilian precise waveforms by sensor modelling of full-waveform lidar
applications, airborne laser scanning systems are widely used systems in geometric and radiometric aspects.
for various applications such as bare ground modelling, target In order to simulate waveforms of complex surfaces, we
detection, object reconstruction, forest biomass estimation, adopted sub-beam processing which are defined around the
corridor mapping and change detection. Besides, because a laser laser beam ray within beam divergence angle. Assuming an
beam is robust against the obscuration (e.g. smoke and flare) ^ echo is originated from the individual reflected sub-beam, each
rather than electro optic systems, these systems are also ^ sub-beam is separately processed. First, we computed the
employed for surveillance and reconnaissance to detect targets intersection points between sub-beams and target surfaces in
in military applications, owing to the robustness. geometry. In the geometric process, we can obtain the ranges of
In topographic mapping, lidar systems used typically have a sub-beam ray from the origin of the sensor to the target surfaces.
single detector and scanning mirror to enlarge the coverage. In radiometric simulation, the return energy of each sub-beam
They shot a laser pulse with Gaussian shape and measure its with the transmitted energy which is assigned by beam profile is
TOF (time of flight) by pulse detection. When transmitted laser calculated using laser equation. And then, for each sub-beam,
pulses encounter with target, there may be lots of scatterings by the return echo is generated using pulse model with the return
many surfaces within the footprint and they contribute the time and energy. Finally, waveform is simulated by summing
waveform, even if the beam divergence (0.2~2 m) is very small the individual echoes of sub- beams and noise.
(Mallet et al, 2009). The traditional discrete return systems (or
multiple pulse laser scanning systems) output the travel times of
individual echoes up to six returns (Mallet ez al, 2009). On the 2. SIMULATION METHOD
other hands, recently advanced systems, called full-waveform
lidar system, have the capability to record the waveform signals, 2.1 Overview
as it is, by digitizing with high frequency. These waveforms can
provide additional information about the structures and the In general, the pulsed lidar system measures ranges by the flight
physical properties of the surfaces. For example, there are time of the laser pulse. Then 3D points are computed by
increasingly many early works to analyse vertical structure for georeferencing with the data from GPS, IMU and scanning
forest biomass or detect concealed targets by interpreting system. Figure 1 illustrates how the system obtains full-
waveforms. waveform data from a single laser shot. First, a transmitted laser
To develop and validate the algorithms of processing pulse may encounter with many target surfaces on the footprint
waveforms, there needs many waveform data of various targets. not on a point due to beam divergence. And then, the
* Corresponding author.