Contents: Technical Commission VII (B7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3.1 Simulator 
We implemented the simulation program with C#. For the fast 
access to the input data which are object models as formatted in 
B-rep, we adopted the 3D spatial database called “PostgreSQL”. 
It can store the data and offer more effective 3D spatial 
indexing and querying processes. In the simulation operation, 
OpenGL with thread technique allows the visualization module 
to display the process to generate the simulated point cloud in 
real time. Figure 17 shows the user interface of our lidar 
simulation software. It mainly consists of three areas for 
parameter setting, log message and data visualization. The 
parameters setting enable a user to input the system parameters. 
A user can specify almost all of the parameters related with a 
lidar system, vehicle movement, geometric errors and signal 
noises. The visualization area, right of Fig. 1, shows the 
wireframe of the 3D city models stored in 3D DBMS. 
3.2.2 System Parameters: The scenario of data acquisition 
is as following. The airborne laser scanner moves from (-15, 0, 
500)m to (15, 0, 500)m with the velocity of 100m/s. The 
scanning pattern is determined as zig-zag with scan angle of 
Sdeg. Pulse repetition and scan rate of laser scanner are 5kHz 
and 0.1kHz respectively. Though there may exist geometric 
errors of lidar system, we didn't consider these errors in this 
The divergence angle of laser beam is determined to be 5mrad; 
its size of footprint is of 2m@500m. And we set the pulse width 
of Ins and sampling frequency of 10Ghz. Last, we employed 25 
(5 by 5) sub-beams to simulate return pulses. 
3.3 Simulation Result 
After geometric simulation, the 1,550 intersecting points, which 
encounter with facets of target, is generated (Figure 19). And 
Figure 20 shows the 1,797 simulated points data. The number 
of the simulated points is due to detection of multiple returns by 
CFD. Waveforms of several locations are shown in Figure 21. It 
is confirmed that all of them have return pulses of both target 
and ground. But according the shape of intersecting facet, 
echoes are slightly different from each other. 
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Figure 17. Implemented lidar simulation software 5$ 11 41111711 HIE: 
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 
3.2 Input Dat xim 
ou Jam Figure 19. Intersecting point cloud computed by geometric 
3.2.1 Target Model: The proposed method has been tested simulation 
with a complicate 3D target model of a kind of fighter. It 
consists of 1,257 facets; the length is of about 18m; width is of 
about 12m. 1 Üii 1111 : 
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Figure 18. Target model as a input data of simulator 
Figure 20. Final product of simulation 

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