Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
3.2 Construction of three-dimensional persistent scatter 
Delaunay network 
To make the relationship of persistent scatter pairs consistent 
with geography space, the three-dimensional Delaunay network 
algorithm (Zhou et al. 2007) is introduced to construct 
persistent scatter network. After persistent scatters are 
identified from time serial radar images, the geodetic 
coordinates of persistent scatters are derived from the 
DEM interferometry with two tandem images and the geodetic 
height H is interpolated from external DEM such as SRTM 
DEM. Then the geodetic coordinates (LBH) are transformed to 
Cartesian coordinates (XYZ). Finally, the three-dimensional 
persistent scatter Delaunay network based on Cartesian 
coordinate system is constructed with three-dimensional 
Delaunay network algorithm. This network is further reformed 
by cutting the arc longer than 1km. The optimised network is 
then used to establish persistent scatter pairs. 
To show the difference between three-dimensional Delaunay 
network and two-dimensional network, the comparison of the 
two kinds of network is conducted by simulating in Matlab. 
The simulated images are demonstrated in figure 3. Geographic 
wol uu 
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(a) The surface generated (b) Planar Delaunay network 
by Peaks function in Matlab 
terrain is firstly simulated with Matlab peaks function. The 
simulated geographic terrain is showed as surface image in 
figure (a). Then 51 points are randomly selected as persistent 
scatters. The two-dimensional network (figure (b)) and 
three-dimensional network (figure (c)) of 51 persistent scatters 
are constructed respectively according to planar coordinates 
(XY) and Space rectangular coordinates (XYZ). From the view 
of shape and structure, two-dimensional network are 
significantly different from three-dimensional network. The 
number of triangles is 89 in two-dimensional network but it's 
9] in three-dimensional network. That means persistent scatter 
pairs formed by two-dimensional network are less than that 
formed by three-dimensional network. Furthermore, the 
three-dimensional network established with persistent scatter 
geographic coordinates is fixed as long as the geographic 
coordinates of persistent scatters are determined. 
Correspondingly, the persistent scatter neighbourhood derived 
from the three-dimensional network are definite. On the 
contrary, the neighbourhood in two-dimensional network 
established in image coordinate system are varied with the 
image resolution and projection while the geographic scene is 
converted to image. 
N 6.3782 
6.3782. =< 
2 Lem 
6.3782 xc 
6.3782 — 
6.3782 S 
(c) Three-dimensional Delaunay network with 
three-dimensional coordinates 
Figure 3. The Delaunay networks generated respectively by planet coordinates and three-dimensional coordinates 
4.1 Experimental dataest 
In the last century, the urban area of Shanghai was found 
beginning to subside because of the excessive exploitation 
of underground water (Zhang, 2002, Zhang, 2005, Ye et al. 
2005). InSAR based on three-dimensional persistent 
scatter network and two-dimensional network respectively 
is used to detect the ground subsidence of Lujiazui in 
Shanghai. Figure 4 displays the experimental area of 
interest (AOI) marked by a box onto the master amplitude 
image, where the inset shows the enlarged multi-image 
reflectivity map derived by averaging all the image 
patches of the AOI. The AOI covers the rectangle 
geographic scope ranging from 121.44584°E to 
121.58915°E and 31.20618°N to 31.288°N. The total area 
is about 33km? 26 single look complex (SLC) SAR 
images taken by ERS-1/2 during 1992 through 2002 are 
utilized. The SAR image taken by ERS-2 on Jun 4, 1996 
was chosen as the common master image and the 
remaining 25 images were used as the slave images. Thus 
Fig. 4. The experiment area marked by 
a box onto the master amplitude image 
25 differential interferograms were generated by the 
“two-pass” method (Gabriel et al. 1989, Massonnet et al. 
1993, Zebker et al. 1994b). Table 1 lists the parameters of 
all the images, including spatial and temporal baseline 
with respect to the master image. 

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